12 Funny Things Family Members Write In Text Messages

David Cameron

by Edwina Langley |
Published on

Most of us will remember the times before mobiles, when the 'reverse charge call' was the only way to get hold of our parents when we wanted to – and when the poor souls had NO option to get hold of us when they wanted to.

Mobile phones have, of course, changed all of this. Mainly in how we communicate with our parents. In fact, we're probably more in touch with them now than when we were when we were children living with them.

But because we grew up in this world of ever-changing technology, we managed to master the art of mobiles far faster than they have. Too ironic, of course, that they were once the ones we relied on to record Top Of The Pops for us on VHS, whereas now it's us, tirelessly explaining the various features and functions of WhatsApp.

To their credit though, they're catching on. Not without a few teething problems...

Here are things we've come across when our parents text – and in text conversations with other members of our beloved family in general:

The 'Lots of Love' misunderstanding

You: Mum, I can't talk now, but... Alex dumped me...

Mum: Oh darling! LOL x

The 'Just Worked Out How To Use My Phone And Can Only Send Basic Messages' message

You: Hi Dad, can you pick me up from the station tonight? I should get in at 8pm. Can't wait to see you, I've missed you so much. Can I bring anything for the weekend? Love you xx

Dad: Ok.

When your parents discover emojis...

You: Hi Mum, how was your weekend?

Mum: 👍👠👗🎭🍷🍝💃🏻🎊 🎉💞 💓 💗🌸 💐☕🌞💅 🐶 🐱👌💇🌳🌱 🌿 🌈

...And when they don't know what they mean

You: What are you having for dinner – veg from the allotment?

Mum: Yes! I'm especially excited to eat your father's 🍆!!

Mum sign-off vs Dad sign-off

Mum: Love you darling, I'm so so proud of you 💞💞💞💞 💓 💗xxxxxx

Dad: X.

Messages that read like telegrams

Dad: Dear Darling. Please call Uncle Dan to wish him Happy Birthday. He will be at home from 3pm. Thank you. Love Dad. X.

Messages that read like a James Joyce stream of consciousness

Dad: There's an interesting programme on Radio 4 now about how to ask for a pay rise I thought it might be good for you to listen to turn it on if you have a moment your mother is taking notes in case you can't I hope all is well otherwise darling your mother and I are looking forward to seeing you at the weekend love Dad

Sister-to-sister convos

Sister 1: Should I buy this dress? [Sends pic]

Sister 2: Do you want to look like Kim Kardashian?

Sister 1: YES.

Sister 2: Ha. Then get the size smaller

Sister 1: Be serious. Yes or no?

Sister 2: I like the cut, not the colour

Sister 1: What's wrong with beige?

Sister 2: Do you have all afternoon?

Sister 1: BE SERIOUS

Sister 2: I am – shall I make a list?

Sister 1: Well, I like it

Sister 2: Then buy it

Sister 1: But I don't know now... What about this one? [Sends pic]

Sister 2: Better

Sister 1: 'Buy it' better, or just ok?

Sister 2: 'Kendall Jenner' better

Sister 1: Ha, ok

Sister-to-brother convos

Sister: What do you want for your birthday?

Brother: Yup.

The forgotten phone-lock message/s

Dad: sdafaefa ergageradf agafgef43rrt3445erg45nw2t3

Dad: deert'q34t45r'w487334

Dad: efwopbf320rtr[nln]4h6e54364

Dad: cvvvvv

Dad: ergHBl;kgm

Dad: er3qd;'ba

Dad: Sorry

When you have to explain about autocorrect

Mum: Darling, your sister said you're feeling dick. Can I come round?

The sibling-on-sibling messages where you can be as needy/irrational/stalkerish as you like, and it's ok

Sister 1: Pick up

Sister 1: HELLO?

Sister 1: You just liked something on Instagram, I KNOW you're on your phone.


Sister 1: HELLLOOOO?

Sister 1: I'm not going to stop messaging so you may as well just answer

Sister 1: I know you're p*ssed off I borrowed the car, but you can't ignore me forever

Sister 1: Stop being so childish

Sister 1: This is really immature

Sister 1: You are SO immature

Sister 1: Grow up

Sister 1: Just GROW UP

Sister 2: WTF I was on the phone!!!

Sister 1: Oh sorry. What are you doing tonight? Wanna come round?

Sister 2: ...Sure

Sister 1: Yaaaay! Love you xxx

Sister 2: xxxx

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