Once a year a single day marks International Women's Day. It's a day intended to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. It's an important day, there's no doubt about that, but, really, every day is International Women's Day. Across the world there are around 3.52 billion women, all striving for different things and coming up against different barriers to them.
On this day every year our news feeds are awash with 'inspirational quotes from famous feminists' and think piece's by high profile women. We live in a time where Beyonce, one of the most mainstream pop stars going, dances on a stage under the word feminist, writ large, in lights, where you can buy t-shirts with 'feminist' emblazoned on them on the highstreet but what does the word actually mean to us?
We asked women from different backgrounds and of different ages what feminism means to them in their day to day lives. From Donald Trump, Calais and Isis to not slowing down, getting to where you want to be in life and not having enough women in parliament, Sarwah Mhanna, who's 30, Isabel Adomakoh Young, 23 and her mum, Louisa Young, 55, and Tobi Oredein, 26 and her mum, Annette Sykes, 65 told us what feminism and International Women's Day mean to them in 2016.
Here's what they had to say...
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**Follow Vicky on Twitter: @Victoria_Spratt **
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.