Today marks International Women’s Day, so to celebrate, we asked three female MPs to tell us their five-point plan for the practical changes that they would like to see implemented to better women’s lives in the UK. Whether it’s a broad change they would like to see, a specific change in legislation, or a more abstract change in attitudes, these are the areas that they feel will make the biggest difference to our day-to-day lives.
IWD 2018 Grazia


IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia

IWD 2018 Grazia