Gemma Styles: ‘Nothing Makes My Instagram FOMO Worse Than Summer’

Sunshine? Bikini shots? Weddings? Why has summer invaded my Instagram feed? Photographed by Matilda Hill-Jenkins

Gemma Styles, The Debrief

by Gemma Styles |
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Instagram is the ultimate source of FOMO. There are certain times of year that can make it sting worse than ever. And this weekend, we’re headed straight for the eye of the storm… summer.


Coming top of my list this week is drum roll any time it’s sunny out. This particular branch of FOMO I will hereafter refer to as FOMTS (Fear Of Missing The Sun). Having spent all of my youth in the North of England, I’ve been brought up to know that it’s always nicer down South – for a long time that meant pure jealousy of people posting sunny pictures on Facebook while I was shaking off my umbrella near rainy Manchester. But now I actually live in London it’s worse if anything. This week I’ve spent a good portion of my time shivering under a blanket on my sofa with only Netflix and Lemsip for company and, judging by Instagram, everyone else has been SHAMELESSLY SUNNING THEMSELVES in my absence.

While this particular FOMTS episode was down to my lurgy, it’s a common problem for anyone with a 9-5 office job, wistfully window gazing at those artsy types who spend their summer work days having meetings over iced coffee on sun drenched patios. I feel your pain, fellow screen monkeys.


Bragging rights to those getting stuff done this summer. I’m definitely one of those people who will spend most of the year talking about the jobs and projects I’m going to do ‘once the weather cheers up a bit.’ Instagram is the social hub of the productive – whether you’ve been doing up the garden, taking day trips to picturesque seaside towns or spending your Sunday climbing/surfing/hiking your way across life (presumably wearing shorts) you’re making me feel intense INSTAGUILT. My sunshine activities generally consist of drinking large quantities of Aperol spritzer and sitting. One day last summer, my hungover compromise to make the most of the weather meant heading out to watch Netflix on my phone in a field rather than in my friend’s basement.



Another thing guaranteed to roll around with the onset of summer – wedding season. I’ve never found this as noticeable as I have this year.

‘What are you doing this weekend?’

‘I’ve got a wedding to go to.’

‘I thought that was next week?’

‘Oh, no, that’s Sarah’s hen do.’

Married people are stealing my friends and my insta feed. I’m actually quite looking forward to a few year’s time when it’s my uni crowd getting married and wedding season will be one fun-filled reunion after another; right now though, it’s post after post of bridesmaids and best men and themed hen weekends on Spanish islands. It pains me to say, I have had actual conversations with my friends about the very real possibility that when we get married, there will be no good wedding hashtags left. This is the world we live in.


Oh God. There is nothing to bring me out in a cold sweat like the word shorts. I’m at my very happiest when covered from ankle to wrist in swathing layers of safe, all-covering black. Instagram in summer is the ultimate reward of the self-restrained. But as jealous as I am of other people’s summer wardrobe, mainly I’m just jealous of their willpower and the foresight they have shown through the dark months of winter while I was sitting on a cushion, eating mini eggs.

Roll on winter and pass me a burger. Please and thanks.

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Follow Gemma on Twitter @Gemmaannestyles

Photographed by Matilda Hill-Jenkins

With thanks to Airbnb

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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