So, apparently you feel prettiest at 29? Yes, according to a recent study conducted by skincare brand St Ives, the likes of myself, and fellow 29ers Katy Perry and Olivia Wilde feel our best right now. This is great news midway through my 29th year and in some ways it’s not that surprising. Prettiness has always been more about how you feel than how you actually look. While I might not sit with proportion of the respondents who said they felt more confident without make up than with (sorry, my makeup does make me feel better and allow me to hide the flaws) I definitely feel more confident right now. My relationship is key to me feeling good - as it was for many of the women taking part in the study. At the age of 29 it’s now more mature with far less dramas than when we were together in our early 20’s , and although losing a job at the beginning of the year was unsettling it without a doubt made me more mature, confident and business savvy – something which came in handy when we bought our first property this year. I won’t lie- getting on the property ladder before I was 30 made me feel amazing and pretty proud.
While I may have less than toned thighs (and that’s being kind to them) and brows that are so sparse they can only dream of Cara-like level of bushiness, I’m more confident in myself and I now know my best bits – my eyes and my hair and how to make the most of them. To be really honest, being 29 has been the first time I’ve properly been aware of the passage of time, and thinking about ageing, but not in a negative way. Interestingly, it’s also when women feel most secure. Strangely, this has also makes me feel mature in a good way – I know I can hold my own more in a business situation and if it comes with a few lines then I am fine with that. I definitely relate more to older celebrity women now, I admire what Victoria Beckham has achieved - an example of someone who’s definitely become more confident in themself as they have matured. Without a doubt I’m excited about turning 30 too - just like gorgeous Alexa Chung did this week - and feeling like a proper grown up. The stat has definitely given me a boost, knowing you’re meant to be at your prettiest makes you want to be at your prettiest.
In the 29-year-old club:
Katy Perry, Olivia Wilde, Khloe Kardashian, Frida Pinto, Lara Stone, Avril Lavigne, Kelly Osbourne and Ashlee Simpson
When did you feel at your prettiest? Was it aged 29, older or younger? Join the conversation!