Will The BBC’s ‘Is It Rape? Sex On Trial’ Really Tackle The Issue Of Consent?

Do We Really Understand What Consent Means?

is this rape, sex on trial, tv show, bbc

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***A new BBC documentary, ‘Is It Rape? Sex On Trial’, intends to raise important questions about consent. We're curious to see whether the format will tackle the real issues in the way they deserve. Grazia's Georgia Simmonds explores further... ***

What can we expect? One fictional rape plot, 24 teenagers with a point of view, a barrister tasked with explaining the legal position on the scenario and vote-casting power in the hands of the general public. All sounds a bit Hunger Games, doesn’t it?

Potentially, the show may do more to legitimise victim-blaming and muddy the issue of consent further than push an informed attitude about what constitutes consent.

Understandably, charities that offer help and support to rape victims are concerned. Katie Russell a spokeswoman for Rape Crisis told the Daily Express: ‘Consent is clearly a vitally important issue to raise public awareness of and a number of studies have highlighted the confusion, particularly among young people, around what it means and therefore what constitutes rape and sexual assault. If this is not responsibly handled, particularly with the public vote element, it has the potential to upset rape survivors and make them less likely to seek support.’

Consent courses are being rolled out at numerous universities across the UK, but one student, George Lawlor protested online about being invited. He told the BBC that the implicit assumption that he didn’t understand consent was ‘the biggest insult I’ve received in a good few years. I feel if you need to be taught what consent is and what consent isn't, then you don't have respect for other human beings.’

What does constitute consent? It’s not a black and white issue, which is why it warrants discussion and why for many people consent classes will be invaluable. But the issue needs to be handled with seriousness and sensitivity, whether the BBC programme achieves this remains to be seen.

‘Is It Rape? Sex On Trial’ is broadcast on Monday 2nd November.

Words by Georgia Simmonds.

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