Last night something weird happened. It was something to do with Kanye West, the Kardashians, a lot of fashion editors who looked like they were being forced to do something against their will and a video game with a floating mum.
It was of course, the Yeezy Season 3 fashion show/music show/game release/beginning of the apocolypse. I looked at pictures and videos for like, an hour last night and am none the wiser as to what I was meant to be seeing. All I know is that I'm afraid, and Kanye West needs to reign the misogyny in.
And learn how to spell.
See, Kanye issued a list of 'rules' for his army of models to follow and, as well as making about as much sense as his Twitter feed, there were also a lot of elementary spelling and grammatical errors on offer. Mistakes that perhaps you wouldn't expect from say, 'one of the greatest rappers in the world' (his words, not mine).
As well as including baffling 'instructions' such as 'YOU ARE A PICTURE', the list reads like a menu from a restaurant in a Spanish holiday resort that was written by someone with an impressive amount of English for a non-native speaker, but someone that wouldn't define themselves as 'fluent'.
See below for the whole thing.

*Disclaimer: we here at The Debrief also make mistakes. If you find any in our copy we apologise. Soz.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.