Wolf Alice’s Ellie: ‘I Don’t Really Think About Being A Girl’

So don't be fooled by this IRL rock band's cutesy name...


by Hanna Hanra |
Published on

The name

. Fronted by megababe Ellie, they sound like emotion, grit and angst meeting PJ Harvey singing Nirvana songs. We love them. Here’s what happened when we sat down with Ellie.

The Debrief: Hiya Ellie! The band have been around for a while but the music and line up have changed considerably – do you feel like you've found yourselves a bit more now?

E: It’s an ongoing process. Our sounds change ’cos we are constantly inspired and influenced by new things as life goes on. This only became full time for us a couple of months a go and things have changed a lot, so I think we probably still are finding our feet.

DB: What are you listening to right now?

E: We listen to a lot of Kurt Vile in the van ’cos it’s so relaxing, and a lot of Mac DeMarco ’cos our tour manager really loves him.

****DB: What do you eat on tour?

E: Shit.

****DB: Oh dear. What was recording your EP like?

E: Great! We recorded Creature Songs at ICP in Brussels and it was one of our favourite experiences as a band so far.

****DB: How do you write the songs?

E: It differs a bit, so there’s no set way – like we wrote Moaning Lisa Smile and We’re Not the Same altogether, I wrote Heavenly Creatures and Storms is an old song we wrote on top of a new riff Joff wrote.

****DB: What is it like playing them onstage?

E: Quite nerve wracking. You really have to gear yourself up and get in the mood.

****DB: Do you think there are pitfalls to being a girl in a rock band?

E: None that don’t already exist in life, I guess.

****DB: Fair play, what about any benefits?

E: I dunno, I don’t really think about being a girl to be honest. That sounds dumb, but oh well.

****DB: We get what you mean! When did you know you could be a musician?

E: When I got GarageBand and made a million demos and could listen back to them and enjoy them.

****DB: **And how does it feel being able to be a musician as your main 'job'? **

E: It’s a very new experience for us. I only quit my job at the start of this year. I think it is a dream come true and I’m constantly grateful and appreciating it.

****DB: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a musician?

E: You have to be brave.

****DB: What bands do you reference when you are making music?

E: Brian Jonestown Massacre, Queens of the Stone Age, Kings of Leon, The Breeders, Nirvana, Patrick Wolf, Kid Cudi, Simon & Garfunkel.

****DB: Cool. They are all musicians that have, shall we say, endured.

E: Yeah. Having a long lasting career is how I think I will measure our success.

****DB: There’s been lots recently about rock ’n’ roll having a come back. Do you think that’s due?

E: Yeah, rock ’n’ roll is always invited to my party!

Nice. How important is social media to a band these days?

To me personally I wish it didn't exist, but it’s really important for a band to be active on social media

Who are your fans?

I don’t know, but they're all really nice to us and I love ’em.

Wolf Alice's EP Blush is out now and you can check them live here.

Follow Hanna on Twitter @HannaHanra

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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