Things We Learned From The NME Awards

Things we learned from The NME Awards...

Johnny Marr turned out to have the coolest family we've ever seen. Both his wife Angie and daughter Sonny seem to be excellent wearers of coats.

Siobhan from MKS rocks excellent smoky eye.

Carl Barat now looks like this. :(

Cold is but an illusion to Michael Eavis.

Peter Crouch is a FUN GUY. And strangely attractive.

We will absolutely not look as good as Peaches does two children in.

DJing is infinitely better with a giant bottle of Ciroc in front of you.

Debbie Harry. We're not worthy.

Lily Allen: good wearer of dresses, terrible safe keeper of awards.
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.