Some More Podcasts To Keep You Occupied While You Plane, Train and Automobile It Around This Summer

Learn on the move in the least lame way


by Jess Commons |
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Stuff You Missed In History Class

Probably the most charming and simultaneously nerdy podcast on this list, SYMIHC is hosted by the delightful Holly Frey and Tracey V Wilson and it’s part of the HowStuffWorks network. Each episode tackles different historical events that you’re probably not already familiar with. The best ones are when they do involve shipwreck stuff (The Wreck of the Batavia, Wreck of the Ten Sail, The Sinking Of The SS Arctic) but they’re pretty much all awesome even the ones where no-one dies. We’re just morbid fucks.

99% Invisible

Think the design world is just for your knobhead friends who work in loft-style offices and drink coffee in wood-panelled Shoreditch cafes? Think again, 99% Invisible teaches you all about the architecture and the design world by only focussing on the interesting bits. For instance, do you know about the cities in China that which are replicates of European cities? How about how bank structures contributed to bank robberies? Take notes and drop some of the facts you learn next time you find yourself in wanky company.


Stephen J Dubner and Steven D Levitt are the dudes behind the phemononally successful Freakonomics books that prove that economics is anything but boring. Their podcast does the same thing. How about the one on online dating where they managed to find one of the original guys to sign up to (He’s still single BTW), or the one where they explore the financial and social implications of legalising weed? Or how about when they took a look at how successful you were likely to be based on your looks? Brutal but fascinating.

Snap Judgement

Some people find Glenn Washington, the presenter of this show, a bit much. Us? We like him just fine. Mainly because he grew up in a weird cult-type thing and he’s lived all over the world meaning he’s had the most interesting life ever which he’s happy to share with everyone. Otherwise, the podcast is kind of like This American Life and tells tales of interesting people from around the world. It’s got way cooler music though.


Lea Thau is currently our secret crush. This Dutch native’s husky voice is calming in a way that only 2 valium and a glass of whiskey could be. Plus, she’s a BABE. Her podcast Strangers tells heartbreaking and wonderful stories about what can happen when we meet other people. The Long Shadow about a completely random and horrifying event that changed the lives of four friends forever had us sobbing in the gym like a total lunatic.

Follow Jess on Twitter @jess_commons

Picture: Maggy Van Eijk

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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