Charli XCX: ‘I Feel Like A Pretend Grown Up’

The pop star tells us about her favourite Britney videos and why the hell someone sends her used medical gloves

Charli XCX: 'I Feel Like A Pretend Grown Up'

by Jess Commons |
Published on

Charli XCX seems like just the right amount of bonkers and just the right amout of IDGAF to make us think that, if ever we found ourselves in the same bar at the same time, signalling the same bartender to make us the same luridly coloured and highly ill-advised alcoholic beverage, that we'd get on famously. We'd probably chat for a while, she'd give us some fashion tips, we'd sing Fancy together on the karaoke machine and then she'd invite us back to her place (which incidentally looks like a 90s advert for Barbie's Dream House) where Britney Spears would serve us cocktails and we'd watch a film like 10 Things I Hate About You together.

Basically it would be a dream.

Anyways, the other day, we got the chance to talk to Charli and, as well as learning that someone once thought it was OK to send her used medical gloves (gross), we found out that she's pretty much just as cool as we imagined. Here's what she had to say.

Hey Charli XCX! What was the last thing you bought?

Ugh this is so boring but a cushion from Liberty. It has pelicans on it. I'm decorating my house at the moment so I'm mainly shopping for 'home goods'. Aaargh it's so weird. I feel like a pretend grown up.

If push comes to shove what fancy dress outfit wins every time?

I mean, I've never done it but I do love a bunny girl. Regina George does it SO well in Mean Girls. I love her.

Sometimes video or Britney Spears in the *You Drive Me Crazy *video?

You Drive Me Crazy!!!! Also isn't Melissa Joan Hart in that one too?

She sure is. WHAT a banger. What did you used to do to your school uniform to make it cooler?

I actually kind of loved my school uniform. I still wear it sometimes. I wore most of it at my Glastonbury performances this year (she's not fibbing). I used to put badges on the lapel when I was going through my Avril Lavigne phase.

What’s the most bonkers thing you’ve ever been sent?

A voodoo doll of Robert Smith from The Cure. That or just some used plastic medical gloves.

Wow. How do you deal with the fluff on your fluffy tops? Is your house covered in fluff?

It's more covered in glitter but to be honest I kind of love that.

What’s the most amount of money you’ve ever found in your coat pockets and what did you spend it on?

I never find money in my coat pockets. I never get that kind of luck. Just receipts where I'm like 'Fuck, I shouldn't have bought that.'

Have you ever bought something you know you’re never going to wear but you needed to have it anyways?

I bought a pair of Vivienne Westwood boots that were a size to small for me but they were the last ones left so I had to get them. It was my first ever big purchase when I was younger. I do wear them but they hurt so much!

What's the best thing you’ve ever stolen from a shoot?

A disco ball!!!! It's in my house now. I love it.

What’s a good comeback if someone’s mean about what you’re wearing?

Ugh nothing ever. They probably just don't 'get it' but that's ok. It never bothers me.

*Charli XCX will be performing at The Clothes Show on Saturday 5th December 2015. Buy tickets here. *

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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