Adele’s back with a brand new song, but she’s also brought a flip-phone along. Has she really been away for that long? No, but we guess a song that has lines about calling ‘but you're never at home’ needs to sort of be set back in the past, as, well, who even has a landline these days? Someone who has a flip-phone, we guess.
Anyway, when watching Adele making her phone call on a shoddy line, we couldn’t help but wonder... who else has got some really dodgy old phones in their music videos?
1. All Saints Booty Call

Where loads of old geezers and young alt types have phone sex in a grubby old booth was probably meant to be poking fun at the yuppy taking his own bricky cellphone into the booth with him. Little did they know that phone booths were on their way out, partially because, well, they’re just as filthy as this music video made them out to be.
2. Brandy and Monica The Boy Is Mine

Were they arguing over a man? Perhaps. Were they arguing over a crackling line which kept on dropping out? Definitely.
3. Backstreet Boys The Call

Firstly, imagine AJ McLean is your boyfriend. Secondly, imagine he’s out with all the boys in the club and he’s not even charged his phone up beforehand. Imagine your only way of contacting him is via this old grubby phone. The phone which started The Call, which started this whole bloody song.
4. Craig David Seven Days

If you could manipulate the space-time continuum into such a state that you could re-live every single day, surely you could get to the future and find a phone that didn’t quadruple clicks of the number 7 button to get you to the letter ‘s’ in ‘’Sup?’
5. Jennifer Lopez Love Don’t Cost A Thing

The only thing that costs less than Jenny from the Block’s love? Her pay-as-you-go contract!
6. Nelly and Kelly Rowland Dilemma

Text via text? Or text via a spreadsheet? The technological options while using a two-colour screened phone in the mid-2000s were the biggest dilemma of all.
7. Pink There You Go

TBH the mirrored flip-phone isn’t even the worst part of this. It’s what Pink does with it that counts. Speaking like she’s from the ghetto just because LA Reid told her to go for an urban audience.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.