Where: Shoreditch Speakeasy The Nightjar
**For: **Posh cocktails. Think ones out of seashells with seaweed foam on top. Fancy, see?
**What people are saying: **
‘It’s the type of place that all of the other speakeasies want to be when they grow up. The type of place that, even if all the other speakeasies got it completely spot on, would still come out on top (at least so far as authenticity; live music; ambience; style and cocktails – the important stuff, really - are concerned).’ – says The Nudge
**What we say: **
It’s the type of place that’s perfect for pretending you’re a proper grown-up. Think silver cocktail shakers, leather booths and a cocktail menu that doesn’t feature any booze you’ve actually heard of. Still, the waiters come to your table (we KNOW), actually explain things and help you find a drink that’ll either taste great or come to your table on fire.

**When you'd go: **
On a third-date when you know you’ll have enough chat to see you through any awkward silences. This place is civilized, read: intimate and quiet. (Bonus: he might be paying.)
**Is it a good date spot: **
As above. Short answer: yes. Though you’ll need to book a table in advance – and be prepared to watch other people snogging all night.
**The drink to try: **
The Barrel-Aged Pina Colada (£10) – aka, the taste of holiday.
Partly because it’s winter and you’re not going to see anything that resembles sunshine for another three pay cheques. Partly because it features Bacardi that’s been aged for 8 years in a barrel and that sounds cool. Partly because of this song. (Which will now be in your head all week). But mainly because it comes with a miniature pineapple on the glass and what’s not to like about that.

**Fact to drop when you next make it at home: **
That people think the Pina Colada was created on a pirate ship under the watch of Pirate Roberto Cofresi in 1825. Try saying that a few times after a few that you’ve whizzed up from this handy recipe.
**What's the food like: **
It’s not really about the food. But there are plenty of free bowls of popcorn. And if you are going near the tapas, try the ham croquettes or the tomato bread.
**How about the loos?: **
Full of treats. We especially liked the hand cream.
Is it worth the cash?:
Cocktails in seashells with seaweed foam on top. Hello? Enough said.
Follow Hattie on Twitter @hattiebrett
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.