*Jazmin hates anything that feels remotely like legitimate exercise. What happens when we send the girl with an intense reluctance to exercise to try out the fitness classes of the moment? Here’s where we find out... *
If you’re not already predisposed to the concept of working out, it can all seem rather boring. Running? Snooze fest. Lifting weights as you engage in a staring competition with yourself in those giant, grossly unflattering gym mirrors? No thanks. But then over the years, we’ve seen loads of cool new novelty exercise classes come into fruition to inject a bit of fun into the whole process. Most of which have involved ‘hip’ chart music and dancing around a bit (see: Zumba, Dancercise, Barre – minus the trendy tunes, and the resurgence of 80s-style aerobic classic).
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But what if you actually want to dance dance. You know, learn a routine like you did in the good old days at after school classes/sleepovers/in da club? That’s where Music Video classes come in. I made my way down to Frame to try their Music Video class to see if I could a) keep up, and b) be tricked into an incidental workout.

First thoughts
Full disclaimer: I come from a dance background so I have a tendency to be annoyingly sceptical about anything that remotely involves choreography. I’m a bit of a dance snob. There. I said it, okay? Nevertheless, as exercise goes this is SO up my street and while being back in a studio after hanging up my ballet shoes a few years ago was a bit daunting, I was so game to get involved.
How difficult is it?
So, Frame does a Beginners Music Video class and a general Music Video class. Each of the instructors at the different studios will have different styles, of course. But I’d say the Music Video class will feel like it’s moving quite quickly if you’re not used to learning routines. That said, there was a huge mix of abilities in the class which was nice.
Do I need a working knowledge of exercise beforehand?
Exercise, no? Dance, maybe? Confidence? A little bit might help.
Can I fit it into a lunch break?
Yeah sure. Classes tend to be an hour long so you could definitely squeeze a session in over a slightly longer than usual lunch. Also, you’ll be pretty hyped afterward if they use a song you’re really into.
What should I wear?
It’s all pretty chill. I wore my H&M sports leggings, vest and some not-for-running trainers. The studios are part of their wider gym don’t forget, so you wouldn’t look out of place in your normal workout kit.
Could I take a mate?
Take all your mates, mate. I felt a bit lonely on my Js because everyone else had pals to laugh with when they got the counts wrong. I laughed on my own and died a little bit inside when I got the counts wrong.
Would I need to shower after?
That is subjective. It honestly depends on how hard you throw down and how much werk you want from your workout. Probably yes, but you could get away with a quick spritz and go.
Was it fun, though?
So much fun! If I’m being totally honest, Rita Ora’s Your Song wouldn’t be my go to ‘get pumped, throw shapes and embrace your inner diva’ song for music video choreography, but also, I’m a dance snob apparently so you can just ignore me.

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Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.