*Jazmin hates anything that feels remotely like legitimate exercise while Alyss thrives on that feeling of getting a really good workout. What happens when two young women with completely opposing outlooks on (and willingness to) exercise try out the fitness class of the moment? Here’s where we find out... *
What if we told you that you could fit two workouts into one session. Two disciplines, one class. Spin AND core, for example, all in a 45-minute long experience. Well, we kid you not, it is indeed a thing that exists. And whether it excites or terrifies you, 3Tribes offers a whole series of these super popular 'split' classes, that'll challenge you in a whole different way to your usual one-task routines. So this week the two of us headed down to their studio to give their Rider/Core class a go. Help.
First thoughts
Alyss: Given that I have expressed my dislike for spin before, I won't lie, I wasn’t too enthused. The class was super inviting, though and everyone was so friendly, it literally felt like a tribe, and that helped. That helped a lot.
**Jazmin: **If I'm going to get on a bike, which is a rare occurrence in itself, I'd usually quite like it to go somewhere. But I understand that that's not how this spin thing works... But core? Yeah. Sure. Sounds delightful. (I'm lying)
How difficult is it?

Alyss: This class is split into two, and let me tell you this - after you’ve done cardio for 30 minutes, doing the hardest core workout of your life does not come easy. Tops were off (sports bras still on though, obviously), groans were loud (sorry) and people were in pain. Myself included.
**Jazmin: **Before you enter the spin room you have to put on a pair of special cleats that slot into the bike pedals. That was alarm bell number one - may not be able to get off the bike, how to I stop the spinning? Then, as you enter, you have to pick up a pair of dumbells. Alarm bell number two - I have no upper body strength. Then the instructor (who is insanely brilliant and has the type of stamina I can only dream of, btw) swapped my baby weights for some grown up ones that I struggled to grip with one hand. Ding, ding, ding - alarm bell number three. The weights then come with you from the spin room to the core room for some floor work and shit, I've never sweated like that before. As in, take your top off and finish in a sports bra if you don't want to drown in your own bodily fluid, levels of sweat.
So yeah. It was hard.
Do I need a working knowledge of exercise beforehand?
Alyss: This class was led in a way that if you had no clue what was going on, there would be someone who could help. Jaz and I struggled to get our feet attached to the bike, but two people came right over to help, making us feel right at home. So you could probably go, having never worked out before, and while you may die from exhaustion, you’d have help on hand.
**Jazmin: **Not sure if you could tell, but I'd never done spin before. But the team at 3Tribes are so amazing and didn't even stifle the laugh I should've earned at not understanding the pedals. I also didn't understand that when the instructor shout's turn, you have to turn that little dial on the bike to up the resistance. Alyss had to do that for me (awks). What's great though, is that everything is demonstrated beforehand and if you don't get it, someone will help you out.
Can I fit it into a lunch break?
Alyss: I’d say no for this one, I just wanted to go home immediately to shower, lie down, and take a week off work. Leave this one for after work or a weekend when you have no plans that involve walking or laughing.
**Jazmin: **Not if you need the use of your legs or abs at work. Sorry.
**Could I take a mate? **
Alyss: If you don’t mind them seeing you pulling some extremely weird pain faces, sure why not.
**Jazmin: **I think I would have burst into tears if Alyss hadn't been there with me. I needed that moral support for all of the brand new pain I was experiencing. Also, 3Tribes are big on the family vibe, so if you didn't take a mate you could make new ones there.
What do I need to wear?

**Alyss: **I wore my trusty Nike Zonal Strength Tights. I love these guys, they never ever fall down and suck me in so tight even if I ate a whole pizza to myself you’d never know - so they’re perfect for spin as quite often I find my leggings fall down when I cycle. The compression pads provide support where you need it most when training too, fancy. I did most of the class in my sports bra but had a Nike jumper on hand for the way home, 'cause it’s still not summer, ffs.
Jazmin: I'm not normally one to whip off a top and power through in a sports bra just willy nilly, but I did and felt so much better for it. I was wearing a Sweaty Betty vest which I love but it was a bit too floaty for all of the cycling and arm lifting that was going on. So I took it down to my H&M sports bar and Nike training tights. Zero biker bum on show.
Would I need to shower after?
Alyss: If you don’t I would judge you. I think I probably sweated about three glasses of sweat, maybe more. Just pour a bottle of aqua over yourself as soon as you finish.
**Jazmin: **When I got home my housemate went to hug me and then swiftly backed away, retreated to her room and spoke to me from there. That's all I'm saying.
Was it fun, though?
Alyss: Fun in a ‘HELP ME’ kind of way. The actual class itself wasn’t fun because my abs (lol, I have no abs) felt like they were being ripped apart and during the spin my legs potentially removed themselves from my body. But, the way I felt after? That was pretty fun. Hey, endorphins, where’d you go? I also really enjoyed the way it was split, for someone that’s always reluctant to spin, it felt good to switch half way through the class to something else.
**Jazmin: **Okay, keep this on the DL, but I had real life actual fun for 67% of the spin bit (the bits with the weights and the higher resistance or when they played a song I didn't know to distract myself with, were less fun). I didn't expect to and am almost saddened by this realisation, but it is what it is. Core work out with weights was pure pain. Thoroughly enjoyed the child's pose at the end.
Feature image: Alyss wears Nike leggings, Nike sweatshirt from Asos, and trainers from Nike (similar here). Jazmin wears Adidas t-shirt from Asos, Under Armour leggings, Ivy Park socks and Reebok trainers from JD sports
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**Follow Alyss on Instagram @alyssbowen **
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.