*Jazmin hates anything that feels remotely like legitimate exercise while Alyss thrives on that feeling of getting a really good workout. What happens when two young women with completely opposing outlooks on (and willingness to) exercise try out the fitness class of the moment? Here’s where we find out... *
You've almost definitely heard of Barry's Bootcamp. Everyone who's anyone in the Instagram fitness world has flocked to one of the now famous studios on both sides of the Atlantic. But what you probably don't know, is how difficult it actually is. That's where we come in. We dragged ourselves over to the Butt and Legs class to find out what it's like to do the workout the cool kids swear by. And there are no two ways about it - it's really bloody hard.
First thoughts?
**Alyss: **I was absolutely terrified. I arrived really early, Jaz was late, this made me stressed because I really didn’t want to go in alone. HELP.
Jazmin: Really angry at Alyss for making me do this. I thought we were friends.
How difficult is it?
**Alyss: **I have no words. Sorry, but it’s without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever had to endure. I'd say if you do decide to go, do the sprinting first - it's the hardest part and getting it out of the way before doing sqauts would be extremely helpful. I unfortuntely, did the floor work part first, so my legs felt like jelly by the time I got to the treadmil.
**Jazmin: **LOL. Mate, this is not for the feint hearted okay? I don't think I've ever been challenged so much and so consistently for the duration of an entire class. It's split into two halves - one group starts on the treadmill and the other starts on the floor doing squats, lunges and all sorts (with weights), and then you switch. But somehow I ended up in the double floor work group. As in, I did an hour of squats and lunges and all sorts, WITH WEIGHTS and still to this day don't know how I still have the ability to walk. Oh, the burn.
Do I need a working knowledge of exercise beforehand?
**Alyss: **You’ll be fine, It’s all pretty straightforward and the teacher moves around so if you do get stuck, just shout (in pain) for help.
Jazmin: Nah, not really. I think that's what's so great about the classes. It's all very straightforward movements that you're probably already really familiar with, just high intensity. But of course, it's always really important to do the moves correctly so you don't hurt yourself and stuff.
Can I fit it into a lunch break?
**Alyss: **Don’t even try, you won’t be able to recover in time.
**Jazmin: **To be honest with you, I'd personally avoid doing it at lunch. It really takes everything out of you and you'll probably too tired/distracted/spend the rest of the day questioning your life decisions to be productive. Speaking from experience.
Could I take a mate?
**Alyss: **I didn’t even know if my mate was inside the class as she arrived late (hiya Jaz) so you could go alone. But I’d say take a mate for moral support as you might cry after.
**Jazmin: **Funny story. So I was a bit late, so when I joined the class everyone had already started but it's quite dark in the studio so Alyss and I didn't actually know for sure that we were both there. Not really the sort of environment where you can have a natter while you lift, but might be nice to have a friendly face around when you want to throw in the towel ten mins into the class.
Would I need to shower after?
**Jazmin: **YES. You could probably do with a shower half way through the class, to be honest. The sweat is real. And it's not pleasant.

Was it fun, though?
**Alyss: **Fun in a ‘I want to die’ kind of way? I was on a huuuuuge high after, though. And it lasted all day long.
Jazmin: No. Fun is not how I would describe it. But it gets the job done and if you want to be pushed this is where you need to be. No faffing allowed, just hard, bum firming work.
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Follow Jazmin and Alyss on Instagram @JazKopotsha @alyssbowen
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.