Fingers crossed you’ve just been paid. But, even if you have, you’re going to need that cash to buy presents and mince pies and all the drinks that December demands. Here’s how not to spend all your cash before December even starts, and still have a great weekend.
The films to see
If Carol's not your bag (for starters you’re wrong – Carol should be *everyone’s *bag), then there’s two more Oscar contenders out this week for you to choose from. The first is Black Mass, the film that’s got Johnny Depp looking nothing like Johnny Depp (although after that Dior ‘Sauvage’ advert that’s probably not a bad thing) and playing Whitey Bulger, notorious Boston mob boss who reigned in the city in the ’70s and ’80s.
The other is Bridge of Spies, the Tom Hanks starring, Steven Spielberg directed Cold War thriller*.*

The ice skating rinks to go to
They’ve all finally opened! And they’re bloody expensive! On the other hand, if you’re going to go at all, now’s the time to go before they all get booked up. Get your ice skating boots on at Brighton Pavillion (get 10 of you to go and it’s £9 each); the Tower of London (£11.50 for students, £13 if you’re not); Winterville in Victoria Park (book before; prices range from £8.50-£11.50); Manchester’s New Bailey (£8-10); beneath the London Eye (£9.45) and Edinburgh’s Princes Street Gardens (tickets from £5).

The pop-up fayre to get Christmas presents at
Because no, it’s not too early, and yes, you do need to get going on that front. Located in London’s The Book Club in Shoreditch,
is a free event selling things like jewellery, clothes, beauty products, homeware and accessories from a whole bunch of local designers.
There’s also a DJ (hooray) and cocktails (double hooray) and food (the best part, obvs). Head down and find something for your mum, sister, best friend and nan, all in one afternoon.

The gig to go to
Mercury-nominated Ghostpoet is on tour at the moment and there’s few better ways to round off your week than by heading down to Manchester’s Central Convention Center to check him out and kill your Sunday blues dead. He’s checking into other cities next week, so take a look at his live dates here.

The big old party to celebrate the whole year at
For the most part, Annie Mac’s Annic Mac Presents 2015 tour has sold out, but lucky Edinburgh residents have still got a chance to grab tickets to Saturday night’s party at The Corn Exchange. Featuring the best of the best of 2015, the entry fee is £22 (WUT), but you do get a free signed copy of the Annie Mac Presents album, which means you can recreate the party whenever you want for free in your living room for ever more.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.