Looking for something to do with your sorry self this weekend? Here's a few suggestions.
1. Spice Up Your Life At The Wannabe 20th Anniversary Party
Wannabe is 20 this year. That's scary because you probably remember it coming out. Rather than wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself about how ancient you are, head over to West London and revel in the fact that you're old enough to remember the dance moves to *Stop. *Expect a Spice Girls cover band, fancy dress, photobooth and giveaways. Tickets range from £10-15.

Spice Girls Party, MODE, London, Friday 10th June. Get tickets here.
2. Get Your Need To Know On Weed At The Glasgow Science Festival
In a time where the government's banning all sorts of drugs for reasons we don't understand, how much do you actually know about cannabis? Head to the Glasgow Science Festival for this FREE panel discussion from industry experts and scientists who study the stuff to find out what we do know and whether cannabis can actually be good for you.

*Cannabis, What Do We Know, The Record Factory, Glasgow, 11th June. Get tickets *here.
3. Watch Films On The Beach At Brighton's Big Screen
Opening this weekend, Brighton's Big Screen might just be the outdoor cinema to end all outdoor cinemas. Tickets are only £3 (try getting into your local Odeon for that), there's food and booze, and it's on the beach. They're showing all the Euro games but are still squeezing in Finding Nemo this weekend :). Upcoming films include Clueless and The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2.

Brighton's Big Screen, get tickets here
4. Get Ethical Fashion Happy At Bristol Green Week
This weekend sees a whole week of green events kicking off in Bristol which means there's plenty to get involved with this weekend. Check out Dinky Screens Garment Revival workshop on Sunday where for a tenner you can learn how to screen print on and upcycle old clothes into a new piece you'll actually wear again. On Saturday, head to the Bristol Textile Recycler's kilo sale where they're selling old clothes for £6 (yep) for an entire kilo.

Bristol Textile Recyclers' Fashion Salvage Kilo Sale, June 11. More info here. Dinky Screens Garment Revival, June 12. More info here.
5. Get Free And Active At The Naked Bike Ride
You don't HAVE to be fully naked but if it's a sunny day then why the hell not? The World Naked Bike Rides are to raise awareness about the damange we're doing to the planet, to make people feel better about their bodies, promote self sufficiency and erm, a whole bunch more stuff.If you don't want to take part, head down to cheer the naked riders on.

*World Naked Bike Ride London, June 11th, more info
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** Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons**
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.