1. Celebrate Bastille Day

If you're just about done with this country (we hear you sister) then why not turn your attentions to our neighbours to the South instead. They're still in the EU (for the minute) have a very relaxed attitude to drinking with lunch and currently have a liberal chap in charge. Luckily, they've got a holiday coming up which is perfect for you to show off your new allegiances. Bastille Day is the 14th but London's Borough Market is hosting the biggest event in the UK to celebrate this weekend. Expect all of the wine and cheese.
Bastille Day @ Borough Market, Sunday 10th July. More info here.
2. Bristol Pride

This weekend it's Bristol's turn to host their very own Pride Day in celebration for the LGBT community to top off their ten day festival. There' s a march starting in Castle Park as well as live music (hello Lisa Stansfield, Little Boots and A_M_E*), cabaret, food and drink and, obviously, disco dodgeball. Go, have fun, show your support and do your bit to help spread the word of love and equality around the world.
Bristol Pride Day, Saturday July 9th. More infomation here.
3. Free Range

Get to see the stars of tomorrow today with Free Range - the student art and design shows at the Old Truman Brewery in London. Starting on Sunday, it's free to get in (noice) and, once in there, who knows - you might just learn something. That or you'll see a banana that's been dressed up as Donald Trump in the name of art. Either way it's a win.
Free Range, from July 10th, Old Truman Brewery. More info here.
4. Ross & Rachel
It's the play we were on about a few weeks ago! What would have happened if Ross and Rachel had stayed together? Nothing good as it turns out. Ross is a bit controlling and Rachel's given up a big part of her life to be with him. It's a recipe for disaster. It's on for one night only in Cambridge but tickets are only £8. Read our interview with writer and director James Fritz here.
*Ross & Rachel, 9th July, 8PM, Cambridge Junction, get tickets *here.
5. Rewatch All Of Ghostbusters

BECAUSE GHOSTBUSTERS IS HERE ON MONDAY. Yep the controversial (sigh) reboot that sees all the Ghostbusters played by women (Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon and Kristen Wiig) is finally in cinemas on Monday. Which is so great. Until then, spend your weekend rewatching Ghostbusters 1 & 2 and drooling over young Bill Murray.

Ghostbusters, in cinemas nationwide July 11th
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.