Get your sorry arse out of the house and go and have a crack at this lot.
1. Play life-size Monopoly at the London Games Festival

Absolutely no idea *why *this is happening (long explanation about growing the interactive gaming world in Britain with the help of Boris Johnson here) but the Games Festival is happening and, because of it, there's all sorts of things goung on. Check out the interactive exhibition at the Finnish Institute all about the games we play in Europe. There's also promise that Trafalgar Square is being turned into a giant Monopoly board for you to play so you can finally own a house on Park Lane. Head down to The Southbank too for an adult sized bouncy castle.
London Games Festival, April 1-10
2. Buy some bits for your house at the Crafty Fox Market

You know what there's not enough of? Markets. No, that's a lie. There's so many markets in this country every weekend it's ridiculous. The Crafty Fox Market is actually very good through and is full of stuff that'll you'll buy, put on your shelf and then spend all your time in your front room smiling happily at instead of watching the TV and/or listening to your housemates.
Crafty Fox Market, Bussey Building, Peckham April 2+3
3. See Chvrches in Glasgow

Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches is one of the most excellently grounded celebs. From going on Newsnight defending feminists the world over to taking on her Twitter trolls, she's the pop star we want to be like when we grow up (is she younger then us? She's probably younger than us). Anyways - her band are very really good too and, they're playing at the Glasgow SSE Arena on the 2nd. Go and have a look see. It's a darn sight cheaper than Adele too.
Chvrches, Glasgow SSE Arena, £28.90. Get tickets here.
4. Get Arty at the Leeds Print Festival

If you're the arty type (or you just like looking at pleasing aesthetics) then get yourself off to the week-long Leeds Print Festival which is set to feature exhibitions, workshops, talks and performances all to do with the medium of print. There's also a chance to purchase yourself some lovely pieces.
Leeds Print Festival 2-8 April, Various Locations, Leeds
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.