Inspired by all the fitness floating around at the moment? If you're broke, running is an excellent option of how to dive on in headfirst. Here's a few apps that really, really help.
1. The Running App For Normal Runners -The Nike+ Running App
This is my personal fave. I've used it for years. Why? It's simple, with a nice layout, lets you set goals, training schedules, maps your runs and give you nice inspirational messages from runners like Olympic Gold Medalist Sanya Richards Ross at the end of your run, no matter how well you did. Like, even if you ran your slowest 5k ever, she's still say 'Great job on getting out there today!'. You can link music and stuff to the app too. And get your friends to cheer for you at certain points in your run by linking it to social media. But don't do that. Don't be that guy. You're better than that.

Get the Nike+ Running App here.
2. The Running App For Beginners - Couch To 5K
This worked wonders for my friend Rose Stokes who went from thinking running was the scariest thing ever to running a 5K race and totally smashing it within the space of a few months. She wrote a dead good blog post about it which you can read here. Now, three stone lighter, she's a champion runner who goes much further than just 5k. Manageable goals is key with this one.

Get the Couch to 5K app here.
3. The Running App for Experts - The Runtastic App
This is the current winner on the iTunes store. Probably because it's super comprehensive. As well as tracking your runs (standard) you can get audio feedback like a kind of computer coach, make yearly running goals (avoid if you're not already a runner - that's far too daunting a committment to make!), a leaderboard (again, avoid if you are a beginner, you don't need any competitive bullshit bringing you down), a post-run hydration recommendation (really), shoe tracking so you know when it's time to get a new pair and places to enter other exercises you've done too.

Get the Runtastic App here.
4. The Running App For Serious Outward Bound Sports Types
Training for a triathlon? Or Iron Man or something? Get yourself this app. It's not the prettiest, and can look a bit complicated to begin with but it allows you to track your workouts across many different areas, add in things like weight and sleep, and download different workouts from devices like Garmin and MyFitnessPal. Go premium to plan workouts in advance in plenty of different areas; running, cycling, weight etc.

Get the TrainingPeaks app here
5. The Running App If You're Not Good At Running On Your Own - Racefully
If you need a little bit of extra motivation, look no further than Racefully, the new app that lets you connect with other runners virtually and 'run' together. The other runners can either be IRL mates or runners you meet through the app - handy if your mates are already on half marathons and you're still aiming for a 5k. Keep track of who's winning, and who's falling behind.

Get the Racefully app here.
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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.