Get up and about this weekend like the hangover free, clean living gal you are.
1. See new films first at Edinburgh International Film Festival
There's hundreds of films on offer during the Edinburgh International Film Festival from big hitters like Finding Dory (how actually excited are you though), to teeny tiny little independent films. The films, events, panels and galas are taking place across the city and are pretty reasonably priced. Get yourself down there so you can be all like 'Oh yeah I saw that ages ago' when your mate suggests seeing a brand new film in a few months' time.
*Edinburgh International Film Festival, 15-26 June. Get tickets *here.
2. Pretend you're anywhere near the sea at Brixton Beach Boulevard

If you're stuck in London you know the city can get rather stifling in the summer. Thanks goodness then for Brixton Beach Boulevard the new 80's themed beach oasis on a rooftop overlooking the city. Think Miami, think garish 80s decor, think amazing food, a club, and lots of booze. Just don't wear your nicest shoes, it's sand-based flooring. It's only a fiver if you book online first.
Brixton Beach Boulevard, London. Open Thurs-Sun. Get tickets here.
3. Laugh your socks off and give money to a good cause at the Funny Women Awards heats

A long-running showcase and competition for female comedians (they're the same as male comedians; funny, shock horror) to get themselves off the ground. Over the summer, all round the country there's heats going on which are only a fiver and the winners of which could see them at the big grand final on September 28th. This weekend head to the heat being held on the Good Ship Benefit in London. Don't worry if you miss it though, there's plenty more coming up. Ticket proceeds go to help vulnerable women via Refuge.
Funny Women Awards Heat, Fri 17th June, Good Ship Benefit. Get tickets here.
4. Eat well at the Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival

With veganism up 300% (really) these vegan food festivals are coming hard and fast. Which is handy if you're struggling with your new found foodie way of thinking. Tickets are only £3 and they're promising 'lots of free samples' which is always a good thing. Expect a whole bunch of vegan friendly food stalls, make-up and clothing stalls, barbecue, live music and cookery demonstrations.
The Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival, 18th June, Leeds Town Hall, more info here.
5. Find a secret garden with the Open Garden Squares Weekend in London

If you've ever wanted your own Notting Hill 'whoopsadaisy' moment then sign up for London's Open Garden Squares Weekend and get access to all those gardens that are normally reserved for the residents of the big fancy houses that surround them. Drink cider in Mayfair, play tag in Kensington, watch some chump play Wonderwall in Belgravia. Find out what it's like to be rich, just for one weekend. Tickets are £12.
Open Garden Squares Weekend, 18-19 June, London. Get tickets here.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.