Should You Pay To Have Your Hair And Make-Up Professionally Done At Someone Else’s Wedding?

This is the debate one bridesmaid started on Reddit - and most seemed to agree.


by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

Even if you're not the one hosting the big day, weddings{ =nofollow}can be a lot of money. If you've ever been asked to travel across the country, buy an expensive (and horrible) outfit or purchase an OTT present that you can't quite foot the bill for, then you'll understand how difficult navigating money and weddings can be.

But some weddings can be more spenny than others. One woman has posted on the internet about a bride who expected her to pay to get her hair and make-up professionally done for the nuptials, along with footing the bill for new shoes and an Air B'n'B stay. Yep. Posting on Reddit, the woman explained how her bride had huge expectations of her bridesmaids - and asked if she was an asshole for telling her bride that while she was happy to pay for her travel and her bridesmaid dress, she wasn't willing to spend on shoes and hair and make-up.

Seems fair enough, right? Well, that's what most of the forum agreed with, anyway. The original poster explained that, after reading everyone's comments, she decided to tell the bride she couldn't afford the extra demands - but that the bride responded, saying that because she was a lawyer, that she should have been able to cough up.

The poster added: 'She felt that since I am a lawyer I should be able to afford everything she is asking for (for reference, I am a very new government lawyer and have massive student debt). She deserves a bridesmaid who will meet her expectations and be able to support her. I am not sure how to respond to her, or if I will, but I do think I dodged a bullet. Or at least a trip to crazy town. Thank you so much to all of you who convinced me to not attend this disaster. You have saved me $1200 and 6 months of horror.' Somehow, we don't think she'll regret the decision of not attending the wedding - or paying for it either.

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