For a long time, it was very, very clear when a woman's pregnant belly in a film was fake. Other than the fact that the actor was, you know not actually pregnant, the bumps themselves looked plastic, often discoloured compared to the actors skin, and generally too flawless, despite the endless possibilities of special effects make-up.
Now, women are shining a light on that misinformation, which has - of course- created yet another unrealistic beauty standard for women. So much so that pregnant women are being bump-shamed for not having the Hollywood bumps we've seen in movies time and time again.
In a thread on BuzzFeed, pregnant women shared images of their actual bumps, showcasing the very normal stretch-marks, hair and alternative shapes that come with having a pregnant belly.
Showcasing many of the different kinds of bumps, and ridding the shame women can feel if they've only been exposed to Hollywood bellies before, here's a thread of women shedding the unrealistic standards attached to pregnant women...