Ghislaine Maxwell Will Reportedly Defend Prince Andrew In A TV Interview

Her whereabouts, meanwhile, are still unknown.

Ghislaine Maxwell

by Lillian Sesiguzel |
Updated on

Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell and former girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein, is reportedly in talks with US networks about a televised interview. The British socialite has been branded Epstein's 'pimp,' following accusations on BBC One's documentary, Panorama: The Prince and the Epstein Scandal.

Victims alleged that Maxwell trafficked them as young girls, with Virginia Giuffre, formerly Virginia Roberts saying, ‘In the car Ghislaine tells me that I have to do for Andrew what I do for Jeffrey and that just made me sick.' Prince Andrew has 'categorically' denied all allegations, saying that it 'never happened' .

Maxwell reportedly wants to defend Prince Andrew, after his recent 'car crash' Newsnight interview, and call out Virginia Giuffre for 'lying' about having sexual intercourse with the Prince three times.

Despite Maxwell being under federal investigation, her whereabouts have been unknown since August, when Epstein died by suicide in his jail cell in New York. Talks of Maxwell appearing in her own tell-all interview come after a photo emerged of Maxwell, Epstein and disgraced film producer, Harvey Weinstein. The photo was taken at Princess Beatrice’s Victorian-themed 18th birthday party, which was held at Windsor Castle in 2006.

A anonymous source told The Sun: 'Ghislaine is in hiding and knows the only way to stop being hunted is to speak on her own terms. She will do a sit-down interview with a big US network and defend the duke. Apparently, she'll say Virginia Giuffre is lying and Andrew never had sex with her.'


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