This Gender Pay Gap News Is Seriously Depressing

The gender pay gap just gets worse as we get older.

gender pay gap

by Elizabeth Bennett |
Published on

We’re all fully aware of how much less women earn than men but a new study has confirmed our worst fears.

According to figures from the Office for National Statistics analysed by the Trade Union Centre, women get paid less than men at every stage in their career, and the gender pay gap is widest during their 50s.

Their analysis found that the pay gap was at around 9.1% for 18 year olds but rises steadily as women age, peaking at 25.9% when women are in their 50s.

During this decade women earn a whopping £8,504 less than their male counterparts.

Frances O’Grady, the TUC general secretary, said: “Women suffer a huge pay penalty over the course of their careers, which peaks in their 50s. At current rates of progress it will take decades for women to achieve pay parity with men.”

O’Grady highlighted how women were at a biological disadvantage but stated that this shouldn't necessarily mean they earn less.

“Far more needs to be done to help mums get back into decent, well-paid jobs after they have kids – and to encourage dads to take on their share of caring responsibilities,” O’Grady commented.

We couldn't agree more.

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