Look, we don't want to dwell on this, but it is too hot. Far too hot. So in an attempt to find some slither of levity, we've found you some of the funniest tweets that sum up how we all feel about this (hideous) weather. Unless you love the UK being absolutely baking, in which case, this probably isn't the article for you.
Eat an ice lolly, drink some ice water, stay in the shade, and enjoy.
Please note: laughing is kind of exercise and exercise can make you hotter. We cannot protect you against this. Stay hydrated and try not to laugh again until after the sun goes down.
Tips for sleeping in a heatwave

Swap your duvet for a sheet
It's WAY to hot for your usual thick duvet. Swap your covers for a thin sheet to avoid getting too hot and bothered during the night.

Keep your window open
Air out your home at night by keeping windows open in your bedroom. Try and stick to evenings when the temperature is a bit cooler.

Buy some earplugs
If you live near a main road then sleeping with your window open can be tricky. Buy some earplugs to help drown out the sound of passing traffic so you can feel cool AND avoid being woken by noise pollution.

Keep bed sheets in the fridge
Sounds bizarre, but it works! Keep a set of sheets and pillow cases in the fridge during the day to keep them from becoming too hot. Come bedtime you'll feel refreshed and relaxed when you lie down on your crisp, cool sheets.

Invest in feather pillows
Polyester absorbs heat, meaning those polyester pillows could be sabotaging your good night's sleep. Buy some feather pillows instead to help keep your temperature at a comfortable level.

Keep curtains closed
During the hottest part of the day (from midday to about 3pm) keep your curtains closed to stop your home from becoming too hot. This will make it easier to cool down your home come bedtime.

Do some bedtime yoga
Try and relax and unwind before bed with some relaxing yoga moves. Grab a mat and a YouTube tutorial to help guide you through the basics and put you in the 'zone'. Yoga helps relax your breathing and release any tension that your might have from being hot and bothered all day.

Unplug laptops and chargers
Leaving electronics on can add to the build up of heat in your room. Turn off any unnecessary electrical items before bed. This will also help you switch of and unwind, too.

Cool down your bed with an ice pack
In the winter we warm our cockles with a cosy hot water bottle. In the stifling heat why not cool down your bed with a chilling ice pack? Wrap it in a towel and place it under your pillow or in your sheets to help you get some decent shut-eye.