It’s been a year since Bradders and Jimmy Fallon went viral on YouTube with their LOLz-inducing yodelling video.And yeah, it was I-just-peed-a-tiny-bit funny, but it’s fair to say that yodelling isn’t really that hot so no, we didn’t fancy anyone.
That skit was also during Brad Pitt’s World War Z phase where his hair was long, his beard resembled our dad’s when he was going through his mid-life crisis, and his wardrobe seemed to work solely around a sandy-coloured palette and linen textures.
But, last night the pair reunited for a breakdance sketch, with the help of body doubles obvs, and erm, hel-lo! That ’tache, that black T-shirt, those moves. It’s official, Pitt is fit again.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.