It's not all doom and gloom guys - there's a few bright sparks on the horizon that should be able to keep you going for a bit.
1. The bloody Olympics!

Remember London 2012 guys? Remember how happy we were for those four beautiful weeks during the Olympics and Paralympics four years ago? We were patriotic, we were focussed, we were dancing in the streets (just me?). Now, in all fairness, Rio 2016 is (obviously) not in our fair country but that doesn't have to stop us from having a rolicking good time. Obviously, most importantly is the fact that Rio is two hours ahead of us so, all those events you were forced to watch secretly on your computer at work have more chance of being on when it's pub and club time. Imagine it! Pulling shapes to Justin Bieber, covered in Jaegerbomb jus whilst a full-sized screen in your local boozing establishment shows the finals of the women's 3 meter diving competition. What a time to be alive.
2. Brilliant books

Like Yann Martel, the guy who wrote Life Of Pi - he's back with his fourth novel The High Mountains Of Portugal: A Novel - a ghost story set in the 1600s. See also the return of Mark Haddon, the writer of The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime who has got short story collection The Pier Falls coming out in May. Elsewhere there's the book everyone's talking about; The Life Death of Sophie Stark by Anna North which is the story of a film director, told by six different people. We can expect that one in February. Elsewhere the rapper/spoken word artist Kate Tempest has a fiction book coming out (The Bricks That Built The Houses, April) and the Hemsley sisters are back with another cookbook - spiralizers at the ready.
3. Lots of lovely films!

Most notably the live action version of The Jungle Book - featuring Lupita N'yongo as the nice wolf mum and Scarlett Johansson as that sssssilly snake. Look for that around April. Then there's A Bigger Splash, the Tilda Swinton, Dakota Johnson starring 'erotic thriller' that looks so cool you need sunglasses just to watch the trailer (February), How To Be Single, the Bridesmaids-esque Rebel Wilson and Dakota Johnson comedy, The Point Break remake, Tina Fey in Whiskey Tango Foxtrot in March - a comedy about the life of a female reporter in Afghanistan, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (March) AND (drum roll) Independence Day 2 in June!
4. Good, great, excellent TV

Most importantly it's the second-to-last series of Girls (sob!) coming in February. But, if you can't handle the fact that it's nearly all over, look out for Judd Apatow's next comedy i which will pop up on Netflix 19th February and stars Gillian Jacobs who played the dreaded MIMI ROSE in the last season of Girls. Get pumped also for Clan, your obligatory foreign language offering to bring to the 'What boxset are you watching at the mo?' chat - it's a Belgian show about four sisters who decide to murder the no-good husband of one of them and will be on More4 in Feb. Also, there's obvs G_ame Of Thrones_ in April, House of Cards in March and, if you're REALLY GOOD, perhaps this will be the year that Charlie Brooker's next season of Black Mirror pops up on Netflix.
5. The Euros
'Football, yay' you might say. But, whatever your feelings on the 'beautiful' game are, you can't deny that summers after work are a much more fun time when the pubs are packed out and people are united over a single cause. This year England might actually even do kind of well - reliable football nerds (my mate Tom) tells me that their group of Slovakia, Russia and Wales is a very good one to get. Plus, it means England and Wales will be playing so, for one day (16 June), half of the United Kingdom will have a VERY STRONG OPINION on what the outcome should be.
6 Donald Trump might become president
I mean, he won't, will he? He absolutely won't. No-one is actually stupid enough to vote for him if he becomes the presidential candidate for the Republican party are they? On the other hand, Hilary might become the United States' first ever female president - which would be a huge massive leap for lady kind. Either way, the Americans run their campaign in such a bonkers OTT way that whatever happens we're sure to get some amusement out of the whole thing. Plus, a handy reminder; America goes to the polls in November but the new president doesn't take office until January - plenty of time to build yourself a bunker strong enough to withstand anything Donald Trump is stupid enough to do.
7. Lindsay Lohan is turning 30
Good for her. July 2nd is now officially the day of Lindsay. Celebrate accordingly.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.