Today is supposedly 'Blue Monday' - that day that got made up in 2005 by Sky Travel to sell us holidays by making us depressed.
Theoretically today is the most depressing day of the year; Christmas is gone, winter is still on and the whole rest of the year is looming. Oh, and it's a Monday.
If you're not feeling rubbish then go you, you've beaten the sway of consumerist marketing but, if you are, there's a couple of things you can plan for this evening to make today more manageable.
1. The Undateables is on!

After last week's Harry Potter fanatic, how could the show possibly get any better at delivering all the much-needed feels on a Monday night? This week there's the (oh-so-dashing) George who is paralysed from the waist down after a car accident. Now he's too scared to ask anyone out. Does the lovely Nathalie hold the key to his romantic future? Fingers crossed. There's also a classic Don't Tell The Bride over on BBC Three earlier in the evening; Anthony well wants a superhero comic book themed wedding but pink-haired Lauren and her opinionated Mum have a very different idea. (BBC Three: 8:05PM).
The Undateables, Channel 4, 9PM
2. There's plenty of cinema that *isn't as bleak as *Room or The Revenant

Why they wanted to release two super bleak movies to coincide with Blue Monday is beyond me. Luckily, independent cinemas have got your back. The Cameo Cinema in Edinburgh have still got Carol and The Lobster on offer. London's Prince Charles has the epic 2001: A Space Odessey while London's Rich Mix has a FREE night or short Iranian films courtesy of the Insight Film Festival. In Glasgow, at the Glasgow Film Theatre there's still a chance to catch Saiorse Ronan in the spell-bindingly beautiful _Brookly_n and they've also got the much raved about documentary Bolshoi Babylon that takes an inside look at the Russian ballet company. In Liverpool the Picturehouse has got *Dressed As A Girl *on, the documentary that follows the lives of some of London's most outrageous drag queens.
And, over at Brixton's Ritzy cinema, even though it's not a film, there's a storytelling night going on upstairs on the subject of 'heroes' which looks bloody spectacular.

3. There's plenty of new restaurants to try out

And it's Monday so they won't be too busy. If you're in London, get yourself down to the week-old Ichiryu for udon noodles from the dude behind Shoryu. Bowls start from £6.50 so you can definitely get drinks too. Also - if you haven't yet - go to Shuang Shuang, the Chinese 'hot pot' restaurant on London's Shaftesbury Avenue. Fish ball soup anyone?
Away from the Asian end of the market there's Le Bab - the posh kebab restaurant in London's Kingly Court that opened it's doors just a week ago. Up in Edinburgh there's Rigatoni, the new Italian eatery that's getting rave reviews. Also, Manchester ladies - you lucky chaps have a Busaba from today. In Liverpool there's
which'll even deliver if you CBA to leave the house.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.