Mercy me, it’s gone all chilly hasn’t it? One minute you’re sitting in a beer garden knocking back white wine spritzers and the next you’re huddled under your duvet, cancelling all your weekend plans with the one finger that’s actually warm enough to type 'Don't call me until April' into your little phone.
Us being the fantastic Generation Y-ers that we are, there’s a pretty good chance that you pay extortionate rent to live in what is essentially a big cardboard box. Single glazed windows, damp and draughts that amount to what is essentially just opening a window and letting the wind come right on in. Not that your landlord’s going to do anything about it; hey as long as you’ve got a roof over your head and the boiler works (ish) he’s nae bothered.
Here’s some things to buy to tackle the problem yourself.
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This magical double glazing
Not only does this act as a second layer of protection on your window against the cold winter winds, it’s also actually really fun to put on. And by fun we don't mean *fun *fun, we just mean in relation to the other normal boring tasks you have to do around your house this one is probably the most fun. Just stretch the cling film like material over your window then turn your hairdryer it on until it’s smooth and tight. No sniggering at the back please.

This retro electric blanket
No, not the kind your nan used to have that carried a fire safety risk of 98%, instead, electric blankets are now used by all the hip, hop and happening people out there who are too poor to afford proper heating (aka; us). Stick it in your chest of drawers after your bed to warm your clothes in the morning.

This small but mighty plug
Obviously you already have a plug, obviously you don’t need to buy another one BUT, if you put your already purchased plug in while you’re having a shower and allow the hot water to collect and sit in the bath after you’ve done your business, the humidity will continue to exude moisture into the air until the water cools, cutting through the dryness and limiting cracked lips and flaky skin.

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This bubblewrap
You’re not going to insulate your home – that’s the job of whoever owns the house. Unforutnately, while he’s not living in it, he’s not going to do it. So, if you’ve got any walls that feel particularly cold and exposed to the outside, do a DIY jobbie on them and insulate them yourself by plastering bubblewrap over them. Obviously this works better on walls inside cupboards and stuff so you don’t look like crazy bubblewrap lady.

This incense stick
Can’t figure out where that draught is coming from? Light an incense stick and see which way the smoke blows. Then you can follow the wind directly to the source. Then, block that sucker up by any means necessary – we like duct tape, you might prefer something classier like a curtain.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.