Story Of A Corner: Made In Chelsea’s Sophie Hermann

Each week, we ask a different woman to talk us through the most curated spot in her house...

Sophie Hermann - Story Of A Corner

by Arianna Chatzidakis |
Updated on

Though the clas­sic shelfie still holds un­de­ni­able clout on our so­cial me­dia feeds, re­cently there’s been a def­i­nite shift in the way we’re show­cas­ing our in­te­ri­ors on­line. It’s as if our fo­cus has zoomed out­wards a lit­tle: styl­ishly arranged and usu­ally fea­tur­ing some vari­ant of house plant, well put-to­gether cor­ners keep grab­bing our at­ten­tion. But are they as ef­fort­less as they ap­pear on our In­sta­gram feeds?

With this in mind, each week we’ll be ask­ing one in­flu­encer to talk us through the most cu­rated spot in their house. For our lat­est Story of a Cor­ner, Made In Chelsea's sassiest star Sophie Hermann has showed us how she put to­gether her favourite cor­ner of her living room…

Sophie Hermann - Story Of A Corner
©Photographer: Charlie Sawyer

The Furniture

I'm obsessed with these Louis Vuitton trunks from Sautter Cigars - I think they are so beautiful and make for chic little storage units or coffee tables. Traditionally, they're meant to be humidor trunks used for storing cigars, but I just use mine as decorative furniture. I bought different sizes of the trunks and stacked them on top of each other for effect. Then, I place either book or a Baobab Collection candle on top to finish.

Sophie Hermann - Story Of A Corner
©Photographer: Charlie Sawyer

I also just got a new leaf print trunk from Casacarta, which I'm crushing over. The brand is partly owned by an old friend of mine and I really love their unique designs. In this trunk, I've been storing family pictures from an old safari trip, but it's good for anything like blankets or books.

The Colour Scheme

The walls of my flat are white or cream, because I like to accessorise with my favourite colours, which are light pink, blush and green. These colours are uplifting, so I try to accentuate my flat with them. Hence why I bought this luxe poof from, which is officially my favourite furniture site! The poof looks so high end and it only cost £250.

The Accessories

I am obsessed with pampas grass at the moment. Elari Events work with flowers and do amazing backdrops and flower walls for Made In Chelsea, so that’s how I met them. I like to have flowers in my flat, and change the style every season. This time around, I didn’t want to go too Christmassy because I’m abroad for the festive season, so I went for something blush to complement my flat.

The Baobab Collection candles I mentioned earlier are my favourite candles at the moment, they're really worth the price as their scent is so powerful and alluring. Lighting one really makes my flat feel homely.

The Personal Touches

My favourite piece in my living room is my cherry blossom limited silk print by Takashi Murakami. My mum, who's an interior and art advisor, bought it from my favourite book and print store called Peter Harrington. I love staring into it - it's an instant mood-lifter and makes me happy. Another reason I like it is because my mum gifted it to me - it's sentimental and a lot of thought went into her choosing it, so it's something that I treasure.

Follow Sophie on Instagram @xxsophiehermanxx

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