It’s World Nutella Day (yep, really – it’s a thing). Truth is, we find most of those ‘International Whatever It Is Today Days’ a load of wank – but we’ll take any old excuse to think about Nutella. Mmmm... Nutella. Sorry, getting distracted. Anyhow it’s basically the best thing ever. All in a lovely little jar. And it’s totally malleable and can be turned into many different things.
Here’s just a few of our favourite recipes from the land of the internet:
Got some mates coming over for dinner and want to impress? Then this puff pastry Nutella combo will win you serious points. Serve this up with a frozen ball of B&Js and wait for the applause. You’ll have them entering you into the next series of Masterchef.

It’s grim outside. Miserable, in fact. Don’t bother going out – instead stay under your duvet and drink one of these incredible caramel marshmallowy things until summer comes. The recipe involves a lot of drizzling, which is always a good thing in our books. Our only concern is there is no booze in the recipe – but follow up with a shot of vodka and you have our dreams in liquid form.

Read More: From ‘Healthy’ To ‘OMG’ – Five Cheese On Toast Recipes You Need In Your Life
Tbh, this is almost certainly not good for you. But it does have oats in it, and some other vaguely virtuous foods, so give yourself a pat on the back for that. In truth, who gives a flying fuck about the calories, it tastes delish – and that’s very good for you.

Nigella knows what will make you lick your fingers in a suggestive manner. She’s a pro at it. And this cheesecake proves it. It doesn’t need the oven and is basically just stirring a few things together. Serve straight from the fridge for best results. Eat lots of it. Then lick fingers. Put rest back in fridge and eat it as a ‘naughty’ midnight snack while looking seductive in something silky. Just like Nigella.

Not all balls taste good, but these do. Delicious. Eat and sing that South Park song at the same time for the ultimate Sunday activity.
If you can’t be arsed to do any of the above, just serve each of your guests – or just yourself on the sofa with the telly on – a jar of Nutella and a big spoon.

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Follow Lena On Twitter: @lenadecasparis
Picture: ivivalamolly
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.