OHMYGOSH will this month never end? Our bank balances have been wavering on the fiver-a-day mark for nigh on two bloody weeks now. That’ll teach us to go booking holidays that we stupidly let our richer friends organise. Did we really need that hotel with the roof terrace? Air BnB would’ve done just fine for us, really.
The problem is that with this weather, all you want to do is go out and have a fun time come the weekend, but sadly if your money situation is like ours, it just isn’t going to be possible.
Instead, invite the people you’d planned to go out with round to yours. We’ve figured out a foolproof plan for how to food and water them AND entertain them all for less than a tenner.
Also, if your mates bring their own stuff to pad out the wares you’re providing that would obviously make everything even better.
Here’s how to do it:
The Food
This sausage casserole from GoodToKnow.co.uk works out at £2.62 for four people (if you buy all the ingredients from Tesco) which means you could even double up if more people show up. Shazam.

**Easy sausage and potato casserole **
1 tbsp oil
500g new potatoes, halved
454g pack sausages
1 onion, sliced (200g)
1 green pepper, diced (170g)
340g jar tomato pasta sauce
Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the potatoes and sausages for 5 minutes.
Add the onion and pepper and cook for a further 5 minutes, turning the sausages occasionally until browned.
Add the pasta sauce, rinse the jar out with a splash of water and add to the pan. Cook, covered for 5 minutes.
The Drink
It’s summer now (or so we say), which means the spritzer’s back. This drink is mainly excellent for the poorer of pocket due to the fact it’ll spread your bottle of wine out to over more than four glasses. The problem is it’s got a bit of a rep as being a bit erm, tacky. Luckily, we’ve come up with a sterling solution to take your spritz from vulgar to dead classy, and all it involves is a pack of frozen berries – which cost a princely £1.65.

The frozen berries chill your wine and soda but also add a bit of colour and flavour that’ll stop your drink from being what it essentially is – watered down wine. PLUS Isla Negra chardonnay (one of our faves) is half price until Tuesday, so you don’t even have to scrimp in that area.
The Music
Had to give up your Spotify account because you can’t bear the adverts? Try Grooveshark. You can’t listen to it on the go and it hasn’t got quite as many songs, but let’s face it – you’re probably just going to be listening to Nelly on repeat. Make playlists, share them and search for other people’s, all for FREE.
Party total
£2.62 for food
1.65 for mixed berries
4.99 for wine
17p for sparkling water (to use as soda)
AND you’ve even got 57p left over for a pack of biccies.
Follow Jess on Twitter @jess_commons
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.