We've all got that one friend who can't stop quoting Chandler Bing, that friend that gets visibly excited at the news of a new Harry Potter revelation from Pottermore. Then there's that friend who can't observe any situation without being like 'hey this is like that one time in Sex and the City when....'.
I am all of those friends.
But what to get that nostalgia-obsessed person for Christmas? Here's a few handy hints.
For your friend that can't get over Friends

Omg could this person's references *be *any more out of date? Get the person who can't move on from left fallanges and banana hammocks (it *has *been twelve years guys) this actually rather tasteful print for their home where it can sit proudly on the wall like a beacon representing a simpler time.
Pivot Print, £3.91
For your hun who can't get over Harry Potter

TBF to this person, Fantastic Beasts stirred up nostalgic feelings for the wizarding community amongst a lot of us. Hell, Jess Woodley from Made in Chelsea even has a Harry Potter tattoo and she's actually very cool. Get Harry Potter-obsessed pal this actually very cool necklace which if it somehow found it's way under my Christmas tree also would be fine.
Harry Potter necklace, £8.50
For your gal pal who can't get over Gilmore Girls

Again, this is another nostalgia trope which has had a re-surgence this year so we'll let Gilmore Girls-obsessed friend off. These pencils which almost certainly came from the real Dragonfly Inn are totally going to be up her street.
Gilmore Girls pencils, £3.99
For your sister who can't get over Sex and the City

My goodness there's a lot of trashy Sex and the City merchandise out there isn't there? Because your mate is your mate, don't get her a customised Cosmopolitan glass, or a Carrie necklace. She's better than that. Get her instead this Mr. Big badge because Mr. Big will always be cool.
Sex and the City badge, £1.30
For the old lady in your life who can't get over The O.C.

I mean, The OC only had four seasons. And only three of those were any good. If your friend's still struggling to move on Ryan and Marissa, Summer and Seth, may we suggest you seek other forms of friendship? Until then though, get her this downloadable Captain Oats cross-stitch pattern because, well, it's actually very cool. Also it's instantly downloadable so no need to wait for it to show up in the post.
The OC Cross-Stitch, £3.91
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.