Some people say the whole millennial pink thing is over, or at least on its way out. I say, people never bore of pink, whether or not there's a sudden need to attach a generation to it or not. The proof is in the social media feeds, people, and I don’t know about you, but I can’t move for pictures of things that are that coveted shade of dusty pink.
So, whether it’s peaked and you want to jump on board before the trend truly fizzles out, or if you wholeheartedly love the colour but need some guidance in the décor department, here’s a Pinterest guide to injecting millennial pink into your flat, without making it look like an Instagrammable museum of Barbie’s biggest homeware mistakes.
1. Put it on a pillow

You can never have too many pillows. So why not chose your favourite one and give it a velvety pink upgrade by replacing the cover with one like this from H&M. Put it with lots of nice neutral colours to make it more of a statement and obviously do your best to keep it perfectly plump at all times…
2. Pink shower palace

I know. A bit of an assault on the eyes if you’re not a big pink fan but I’m kind of into it. You don’t have to completely transform your entire bathroom of course, but if you have a tiled wall or area near your bath or shower, give it a lick of pink paint to distract from that questionable grime at the very least.
3. About as low key as you can go

These are cute and give you an excuse to finally buy one of those succulent plants you’ve had your eyes on. You could just get the one or scatter a couple around the house to give the impression of some sort of intentional theme.
4. Where the magic happens

The easiest way to change the decorative vibe of your bedroom is simply by changing the sheets. So if you’re after something that is in no way a permanent fixture and can be changed the moment you tire of the pink thing, pick yourself up a pink duvet set. We’ve got a lot of time for the mix and match, pink and white sheets thing they’ve got going on here too.
5. Go for the contrast

Pink looks great up against colours like yellow and green, so if you want something bold and eye-catching (and less directly about the pink thing) go for the contrast. Also, plants are always cool, so we’re a big fan of this frame/print combo.
6. The finishing touches

If you’re going to buy new stuff, it may as well be actually useful stuff. So make like these guys have and throw the odd pink pot, pan or casserole dish onto a visible shelf and voila.
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Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.