If you've noticed the recent hype around Aldi's garden egg chair, or - soon to be on sale - double egg chair, you'll be familiar with the store's Specialbuys. More often than not, Specialbuys sell out in a matter of hours and if you're new to the bargain-hunting world of Specialbuys you'll need some guidance on how it operates before you start.
We've put together a simple and easy Q&A on everything Specialbuys related, to make sure you get your desired product, whatever it may be. Plus, we'll let you know what's coming soon and the exact date it's going to drop, so you can be prepared.
What are Aldi's Specialbuys?
If you’ve ever shopped at Aldi, you’ll have noticed, it's not just food they sell, it's a whole range of things. From DIY and gardening to Home and Baby, these are Aldi's Specialbuys. Everything that isn't classed as your normal supermarket product.
When are Aldi Specialbuys released?
Aldi release new ranges each week, and new stock arrives every Thursday and Sunday.
How can I be the first in the know?
Usually you can pick up a leaflet from your nearest Aldi store, that gives you all the information you need to know about what's coming soon and drop dates. But as a result of the pandemic, Aldi have made those same leaflets available online, as not all their advertised buys are available to purchase in-store, but they are online.
You can also sign-up to their Specialbuys newsletter, so you can receive regular updates. Or, even join a Facebook group – they're more popular than you think.
What's the best way to buy an Aldi Specialbuy?
Although some Specialbuys are available in-store, all of them are guaranteed to be online, so your best bet is to shop that way. Expect to be waiting in a virtual queue.
How do I ensure I will get my Aldi Specialbuy?
Unfortunately, similar to Glastonbury tickets, it's down to luck. But, there are a few things you can do that might help: make sure you're on the site at least 5 minutes before midnight, keep refreshing your page until you see the live link, then once you're in the queue do not refresh again as you will loose your place.
Aldi's Coming Soon Specialbuys...
Aldi's Coming Soon Specialbuys

Large Hanging Egg Chair, £249.99
Available to pre-order online only from 15th August.