Jazmin hates anything that feels remotely like legitimate exercise while Alyss thrives on that feeling of getting a really good workout. What happens when two young women with completely opposing outlooks on (and willingness to) exercise try out the fitness class of the moment? Here’s where we find out...
Is it just us, or does it feel like there’s a gym class that one celebrity fitness guru or another absolutely swears by to keep in shape? New exercise classes pop up all the time, and while most of the time they sound really great, they sometimes feel a bit out of reach for us mere mortals who either have no idea what they really involve.
Well, we worked up a sweat so you don’t have to. This week we headed over to Blok to try their barre class – an exercise programme that intends to ‘create a longer, leaner physique through stretching exercises both on the floor and on a ballet barre’. Here’s what happened when we hit the studios.

First thoughts
Jazmin: Well this is exciting! I grew up doing ballet, tap, modern, jazz, you name it, so I feel pretty at home in a dance studio. And I’d say this is my sort of exercise purely because I’ve never really thought of it as ‘exercise’ in the scary sense of the word, but rather something I’ve always loved to do. I can dance. Dance is my thing. So this should be a walk in the park, right? Right?!
Alyss: Let’s get one thing straight here – I am not graceful. I do not dance. I try to dance but normally that results in me falling over or hurting myself. Given this, the thought of barre scared me a little. I did some Googling beforehand and realised it’s basically ballet but not. How would my non-dancer legs hold up? Let’s find out shall we.
How difficult is it?

Alyss: I found barre pretty hard. The instructor did have to come over a few times (10 times) to put me into positions because my legs don’t bend and I find touching the floor with my hands IMPOSSIBLE. Fun difficult though, not oh my god I want to die difficult.
Jazmin: OMG my legs. My poor, poor legs. Doing the actual moves wasn’t that hard but it definitely works the muscles that you’re barely aware really exist. But doing port de bras was more of a welcomed ache than I anticipated.
Do I need a working knowledge of exercise beforehand?
Alyss: I’d say you need to know how to squat – but apart from that if you’re a newbie to exercise you’re good to go. You could easily do this class weekly and get really strong – think of the glutes guys, the glutes.
Jazmin: I found being familiar with ballet movements and positions really helpful because I didn’t have to think too hard when the instructor called for us to move into a grande plié in second on demi pointe. But by no means is it a pre-requisite to go along because everything is demonstrated first anyway.
Can I fit it into a lunch break?

Alyss: It’s 60 minutes so you’d have to be pretty speedy getting there and back to work in a reasonable amount of time. Most of the barre classes are first thing or right at the end of the day anyway.
Jazmin: If you were super organised about it, then maybe. And a solid cool down is included in the class running time so you don’t need to awkwardly spend 10 minutes trying to stretch your calves in the changing room before you leave.
Could I take a mate?

Alyss: Take all your bloody mates, mate. Me and Jaz went, we’re mates. You’ll feel like backing dancers and can practise the moves after class together like you used to in primary school to Destiny’s Child.
Jazmin: Don’t judge me, but I took it all very seriously. Maybe a bit too seriously. It was really good to have Alyss there to snap me out of dance trance, but I’ve personally always found ballet the least sociable of dance classes. Lots of concentration face happened in this one.
Would I need to shower after?
Alyss: I mean, we didn’t…you don’t get super sweaty so if you did have to rush somewhere after I reckon you could get away with it. But shower the morning after or things might get gross.
Jazmin: Showering would be good. But my housemate wasn’t too grossed out by my unwashed presence when I got home. Beware though, I left with a rather unsightly sweat line down the middle of my bum. TMI?
What are the changing rooms like?
Alyss: SO NICE MY GOODNESS. I want to live there – within those lovely little lockers they have and use their mirrors to do my make up every morning. Why is this place not my house?
Jazmin: We lingered for soooo long in the changing rooms. The mirrors are huge and the light is probably the most flattering that I have ever seen in a changing room. Selfie appropriate if you’re that way inclined.
Was it fun, though?
Alyss: I had fun and I like to think I’m a fun kind of person. For me exercise is about sweating – but that’s because sweating makes me feel like I’ve really worked, so I’d maybe try and ramp this up a bit and run home after. But it was a fun class, and I feel like I learnt a lot about barre movements.
Jazmin: Concentration face aside, I had the best time. The instructor was really friendly and all of the music was really upbeat rather than the classical piano I’m used to.
Can I realistically afford to do this?
Alyss: This class is quite spenny, but that being said, you’re paying for the experience, location and the great teacher. I’d definitely pay £20 a month to go – but probably couldn’t afford it weekly.
Jazmin: You could totally make it work if you wanted to. Blok have loads of payment packages so you wouldn’t necessarily be stuck in a fixed monthly payment if you didn’t want to.
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**Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha **
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.