After last week’s horror show of an emotional rollercoaster, this week opens with the extra gut-punch kicker of Adam waking up in a really, REALLY nice apartment, stroking his new girlfriend’s hair before tucking her in and then making her a delicious-looking breakfast which he serves on the roof garden. The roof garden only confirms that new girlfriend Mimi Rose must be stupidly successful as well as being stupidly pretty. Definitely the sort of girl you want your boyfriend to leave you for.
Hannah meanwhile, is back in her more erm, modest apartment, and is in a melancholy mood over the whole leaving Iowa, breaking up with Adam thing . Although, on the (maybe) upside, Elijah’s back from Iowa too, is walking around the house semi-clothed and is referring to cereal bits as ‘fuckers’.
Shoshanna’s at job interview number 932 and starts things off with a bang by telling the company owner that his soup start-up has a stupid name, which it does. Although telling him doesn’t help her unemployment any and results in a argument where he points out that ‘camp counsellor’ doesn’t count as previous employment and she uses the word ‘bedussy’ (butt, dick and pussy). Shoshanna doesn’t get the job, but she does agree to go out with soup start-up guy.
Marnie and Desi are multi-tasking by eating cereal, sort of having sex and squabbling about what song to play at the upcoming ‘showcase’ which is just about bearable until Desi describes their music as ‘modern American folk with an indie edge’ which sounds a lot likr a catch-all term for songs they play in places that serves pressed juices. Marnie thinks they’re more like Zoe Deschanel’s band She and Him which angers Desi to the point that he starts shouting about his motorbike and referring to it non-ironcially as a ‘she’. Again, Desi’s a dick.

Back over at Adam and Mimi Rose’s there’s finally trouble in paradise as, mid-trying boob ‘bounce’ (it's a whole thing), Mimi Rose informs Adam that she ‘can’t got for a run because she had an abortion yesterday’. That casual. Also she says she can’t use a tampon for a week. Adam is livid.
Hannah’s back in therapy, although how beneficial it will be remains to be seen. Especially since it becomes apparent that her therapist has Googled Mimi Rose and thinks she’s fit. He then tells Hannah that, contrary to all the evidence in the world, Hannah is one of life’s ‘helpers’. Hannah likes this and it sets the little grey cells in motion.
All the girls head out for brunch with Elijah, who claims he was running for mayor back in Iowa. Shoshanna has decided she’s going to marry the soup guy while Marnie has decided she’s ‘incapable of true companionship’ and that Desi’s an asshole. Jessa is just mad in general. The big news of the brunch though is that now Hannah’s into helping people (something the gang are quick to refute), she’s going to get a job helping people and become yep, you guessed it, a teacher.
Ray has spent most of his day down at a local council meeting because he’s still upset about his traffic thing. Anyways, he gets into an argument with a guy played by comedian Marc Maron who me and my brother once saw with my parents where he made a joke that went something along the lines of ‘come on we’ve all be covered in spunk at some point’ and we both nearly died. Ray keeps shouting ‘umbridge’ and seems like he’s made some inroads, so much so that he goes home and designs his own political campaign posters. Move over Hilary, Ray’s White House bound.
Less than a week after moving in with Mimi Rose, Adam tries to move straight back out again. Mimi Rose (who doesn't take off her pyjamas for the entire episode) catches him though and tries to talk things through and we realise that Adam’s freaking out because Mimi Rose isn’t needy and, after Hannah, he finds that really weird. Mimi Rose talks him round and it looks like the two will live happily ever after.
The episode ends with Hannah checking her CV and heading to her local high school to hand it in. Oh dear. In the words of Peep Show's Jeremy; 'This is almost definitely a good idea. There's no chance this isn't a good idea.'
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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons
Illustrations by Nina Cosford
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.