So, What Else Is New On Netflix When You’ve Binge-Watched House Of Cards?

Because you're in a TV vacuum already, right?


by Jess Commons |
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Well, that didn’t last long did it? Season 2 of House Of Cards done and dusted already? That’s 13 episodes gone in just under a week. We say a week. We mean 13 hours last Saturday. It was a productive day.

We spent a while mourning our hasty viewing habits once we realised Orange Is The New Blackisn’t back until June, and we’ve still got over a month before Game Of Thrones is back on telly, but then we decided to branch out and find out what else is new to Netflix. So, while nothing is going to fill that Kevin Spacey-shaped hole in your viewing habits, here’s a few things to keep you going.

The Motivation

This doc follows eight of the world’s best skateboarders as the Street League Championship approaches. Throughout the film the eight boarders have to deal with a with a whole host of problems from injuries to family shit (one guy's dad is a real treat) to money as they prepare to compete to win the $200,000 prize. Even if you know next to nothing about skateboarding, this doc provides a really interesting view into the world and the pressure on professional athletes – plus – erm they're hot.


American Graffiti

A bit like Grease without the schmaltz and the songs (can any think of Grease these days without recalling The Grease Megamix and whatever sweaty club you were trying desperately to have fun in at the time?) American Graffiti is the classic coming-of-age film that follows a group of teenagers around on the last night before some of them are meant to be leaving for college. It’s touching, funny and deffo capable of bringing a tear to the eye.


Dark Skies

If it’s trashy horror you’re after, then Dark Skies is a good shout. While there’s nothing groundbreaking in the film, it’s a good old creepy-home-invasion tale of an all-American family whose home is ‘chosen’ by other-worldly beings who start messing with the family in all manner of weird and wonderful ways. Will the family manage to rid their house of these unwelcome guests? Watch it to find out. Preferably not alone in the dark; it might not be groundbreaking but we still slept with the light on.


Welcome To The Punch

Oof, Mark Strong. We so would. This overlooked Brit heist flick from last year stars the dashing one as the notorious robber who slipped through the fingers of the detective played by the equally delectable James McAvoy. Now, Mark Strong’s son has showed up in hospital and McAvoy is desperate to use him as a trail to his father. It’s not brilliant, but it’s a perfectly adequate way to while away a Friday night.


Justified Season 4

For the absolute life of us we can’t figure out why 5USA just dropped Justified. For some reason the show’s just not taken off as well over here as it has in the US. Really though, you should give it a chance. It stars Timothy Olyphant(remember him from Sex And The City as the 20-something guy Carrie dates?) as a federal lawman forced to return from Miami to his Kentucky home where he unleashes his own style of justice on the no-good hillbillies he now has to deal with.


Follow Jess on Twitter @jess_commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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