Some Easy Ways To Make More Money When Your Measly Salary Isn’t Enough To Live Off

Because no-one's got time to get an extra job


by Jess Commons |
Published on

You might as well accept it kids… all that money those people older than you make? Probably not coming your way anytime soon. Unless you were sensible and went for a job that’s got the word ‘executive’ in the title, in which case, well done you.

For the rest of us who’ve found ourselves in jobs that you swear are paying you less than whoever held it previously, for those of us that are too busy to even think about getting an extra job, for those of us that still spend the last week of every month eating Pot Noodles, we need another way to make money without putting a whole lot more effort in.

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So here’s a few ways to top up your measly wages.


Have you got a 'skill'? Or a big social-media presence? FiveSquids is the website that lets you offer your services for money – starting at £5 (hence the name, in case you didn’t get it, in which case your 'skill' probably isn't 'being good at noticing things'). These services can be everything from retweeting a link 20 times, photoshopping Instagram pictures, creating a logo, help with tax returns; the whole lot. You'll be amazed at what people will pay for, although advertising the fact that you're willing to call someone at midnight and sing an a cappella version of Taylor Swift's Trouble as a lullaby probably won't be all that successful.

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Have you got a big old loft that’s full of stuff you could probably chuck out? Chuck it all out (you definitely don't need that case of clothes left over from 2007's 'new rave' era anymore) and rent out the space to other people for way cheaper than professional storage places. Turns out you could charge around a tenner a week (more if you’ve got a lot of space) just to house someone else’s crap.


Can’t be bothered with the faff of selling your stuff on eBay? Us either, even though it does seem like a very good idea we've been thinking about for like, ever. DePop is the Instagram-style way to sell your old clobber to a fully-formed audience of fashion-forward (ugh sorry, couldn't think of any other way to describe them short of using the word 'fashionista') ladies ready to splash their cash on your old gear. Just snap a picture, add a filter (if you so wish) and post it to DePop. Get more followers to find more interested buyers.

UK Transcription

If you’ve ever interned at a magazine or newspaper you’ll be familiar with the old transcription business. Bascially, everyone hates transcribing their own audio files (mainly because listening to yourself on tape is up there amongst the cringiest things ever) but doing other people’s can often be pretty interesting. Make up to £2 a minute by transcribing other people's stuff (if you get really good you can do 30 mins in around 45 mins).

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Life Modelling

Don’t freak out, this is normally really well paid and not actually awkward at all. Well, not much. Sometimes it's awkward, but it is very well paid. Sign up at and you can get paid upwards of £40 an hour just to sit with your bits out while other people draw you. It's actually kind of flattering in a very weird way.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @jess_commons

Picture: Getty

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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