First things first, we haven’t found a cure for the common cold. We’re not, like, about to share with you the answer to all your winter woes and win the Nobel Prize for scientific discovery at the same time. What we are going to do, though, is give you a heads up to the few things that you might not have realised that’ll aid you through the cold that’s currently making you snot all over your desk and/or your neighbour.
Here we go.
Nick your boyfriend’s pillow
Actually, really, think about it – if you lay down flat, where’s all that extra snot going to go? Nowhere. An extra pillow will increase the incline your head rests at – making it easier for all that tasty mucus to roll down towards to end of your nose, so it’s easier to blow out in the morning.
READ MORE: You're Sick? Us Too. Here's How To Get Through Today At Work
Ditch the Ibuprofen
According to a 2013 study, patients prescribed Ibuprofen over Paracetamol were 50-70% more likely to come back to the doctor with new or worse symptoms than they had before. Just go easy on how many you take, yeah?
Take a bath with peppermint soap
Steaming’s obviously a very good idea when it comes to unblocking all the mucus crap from your nose/head, but if you can’t be bothered to sit with a towel over your head over a bowl of Olbas Oil and water for 20 minutes, jump in the bath with peppermint soap, it’ll do the same thing and you don’t have to have a shower in the morning. Result.

Head to Itsu
Spicy soup is the best thing you can possibly get your mitts at lunchtime, steaming plus spices means that snot’ll just fall right out of you. May we recommend the Chicken Jaipur soup from Itsu, mainly because they have free extra-hot sauce in sachets that you can nick to go along with it.
Become a cheese dodger
We know you could gnaw on a hunk of cheddar every day quite happily for the rest of your life, but dairy is evil when it comes to the common cold. It thickens up the phlegm that’s already doing the rounds, which makes it harder to flush out.
Hide from your teacher mates
Know where germs breed and fester? Schools, that’s where. With 25 snotty kids running around, not washing their hands, touching everything in sight, your mates who are teachers are likely riddled with flu germs. Give them the old heave ho for the winter months. You can call them back in April.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.