7 Actually Good 7 Minute Workouts You Can Legit Do Before Work

Can't be arsed to get up and go to the gym? Try these mini-but-effective workouts for size instead.

7 Actually Good 7 Minute Workouts You Can Legit Do Before Work

by Jess Commons |
Published on

If getting up and going to the gym before work isn't really your 'thing' then don't worry about it. Some people can, some people can't.

I can't.

If you're the same as me then save your gym going for after work or uni on the days that you can do and do some of these seven minute workouts BEFORE work or uni on the other days.

You can do it.

1. Seven

This app (there's loads of them, this is my fave, plus it's free) requires a little bit of space. Take it to the park and do it there - you'll knock something down if you attempt it in your living room. It follows the seven minute workout created by scientists which alternates 30 seconds of an exercise like wall sitting and squats with 10 seconds rest. There's also workouts that cater specifically to different parts of the body, or to what your end goal is like fat burning, getting a butt lift or building endurance. Except you do have to pay for those ones.

2. 7 Minute Workout In Pyjamas

This one is so lols and super low budget but it's actually really good at getting you sweating. It's actually meant to be done first thing in the morning and Joanna (the lady in the video) says you can do another workout later in the day but hey, you are your own boss, you decide what you do. Not Jennifer Soh. Even though she's got great pyjamas. If you don't have weights, use bags of rice, flour or sugar but you might have to adapt the swinging exercise at around 5:10...

3. Scientific 7 Minute Workout Video with Songs

This isn't just one of the greatest workouts on the internet, this is one of the greatest THINGS on the internet. This again follows the scientific routine as detailed in the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal BUT it does it with a kooky synth based pop song and flashy 90s graphics. Prepare to be singing the song ALL DAY LONG. 'Flap your wings yeah flap flap your wings'.

4. 7 Minute Bikini Butt Workout

We've talked about Vicky Justiz before and how I really like her because she's probably one of the most beautiful women to walk the planet but how her videos are so budget - and this one is exceptionally so. Nevertheless, she's got a very lovely bottom which makes me feel like taking bottom toning advice from her is a good idea.

5. 7-Minute Total Body HIIT Workout

For if you're feeling VERY ENERGETIC. And have time to take a shower afterwards. Because you're going to get sweaty. Also, despite Whitney being knows as To Live And Diet In LA (oh no), she's not like some of the American YouTube fitness gurus who keep yelling 'I LOVE IT ARE YOU GUYS HAVING SO MUCH FUN??' while you fight the urge to throw your laptop out the window. Also, the soundtrack is exactly what the soundtrack at a club in Jersey Shore used to sound like.

6. 7 Minute, Hip Opening Stretch Yoga Flow

Stretching things out yoga-style is so good in the morning. Especially if you're anxious and feeling weird about the day. Ru Paul once said to me, '[Stretching in the morning] it’s important because if you don’t feel good, ususally it’s because there’s some blockage and you have to physically open up that blockage. One your frequency is open, then the love will flow through you.' I tried his theory out through the medium of yoga and by golly, he was right. Long live Ru Paul. Don't worry if you can't hold all these poses even though it says it's beginner, I can't either.

7. Best 7 Minute Abs Workout

Natalie Gill is great. She's positive all the time. I'm pretty sure one minute in the presence of Natalie Gill would make us forget all of our millenial house-rent-anxiety-FOMO-dating-based problems. She's totally what I aspire to be when I grow up. Plus. THOSE ABS. How much for a set please?

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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