Easter is a chocoholics favourite time of year. Easter Sunday means that lent is over, and for the majority of us who have given up our favourite foodie treat (chocolate) and have been craving a slab or more of chocolate delights, can now completely gorge away on Easter Egg after Easter Egg.
From caramel cheesecake Easter Eggs, traditional creamy chocolate delights encased in gold foil, to Easter Eggs with a dozen miniature sized eggs inside; life size chocolate bunnies to delicately decorated chocolate morsels that resemble another farmyard animal.
We have rounded up the top ten choccie delights to get your mouth watering from now until Easter Sunday. Let's not forget that Easter Eggs are equally about adults as they are children!
Prepare for the chocolate overload…
Easter Eggs

07 goldbunnymilk 50g
Lindt Gold Bunny, Lindt £39.99

abel and cole
Organic Dark Chocolate with Cocoa Nibs Eco Egg, Abel And Cole £7.99

AlterEggo godiva
Alter Eggo, Godiva £4.50

amelie chocolat champagne truffle egg 24.95
Champagne Truffle Egg, Amelie Chocolat £24.95

amelie chocolat chicks 'n eggs £23.95
Chicks 'n Eggs, Amelie Chocolat £23.95

amelie chocolat french fruit truffle egg 24.95
French Fruit Truffle Egg, Amelie Chocolat £24.95

amelie chocolat traditional easter egg 24.95
Traditional Easter Egg, Amelie Chocolat £24.95

Marmite Flavoured Chocolate Easter Egg With Cashew Nuts - Love It or Hate It, Currently priced at £12 - Amazon.co.uk
Marmite Flavoured Chocolate Easter Egg With Cashew Nuts, Amazon £12
BOOJA BOOJA Large Easter Egg with Espresso Truffles 150g (1510305) Availability- In stock £27.50 - See more at- http-__www.harveynichols.com_1510305-large-easter-egg-with-espresso-truffles-150 harvey nichols
BOOJA BOOJA Large Easter Egg with Espresso Truffles 150g, Harvey Nicholst £27.50

Butlers Boxed Egg With Chocolate Truffles 12.50
Butlers Boxed Egg With Chocolate Truffles, £12.50
Caramel Cheesecake Easter Egg (448g) Product Code - 63236 Was- £15.00 Price- £10.00 thorntons
Caramel Cheesecake Easter Egg (448g), Thorntons £10

CHARBONNEL ET WALKER Milk chocolate egg with champagne truffles 16.99 selfridges.com
Charbonnel Et Walker Milk chocolate egg with champagne truffles, Selfridges £16.99

CHOCOCO Lemon And Raspberry Egg 175g Availability- In stock £11.95 - See more at- http-__www.harveynichols.com_1972382-lemon-and-raspberry-egg-175g harvey nichs
CHOCOCO Lemon And Raspberry Egg 175g, Selfridges £11.95

CHOCOCO Robot Egg 175g Availability 11.95 harvey nichols
CHOCOCO Robot Egg 175g,

Dark Easter Egg Sandwich 70% dark half-eggs sandwiched with dark chocolate £10.00 hotel choc
Dark Easter Egg Sandwich 70% half-eggs sandwiched with dark chocolate, Hotel Chocolat £10.00

Divine Fairtrade milk chocolate egg & pralines 260g ☆☆☆☆☆ Write a review . This action will open a modal dialog. £10.00
Divine Fairtrade milk chocolate egg & pralines 260g, Divine £10.00

Eton Mess Easter Egg £10 thorntons
Eton Mess Easter Egg, Thorntons £10

Fortnum an dMason NNEW - Hand Decorated White Chocolate Egg, 227g£39.95
NEW Hand Decorated White Chocolate Egg, Fortnum and Masons £ 39.95

Fortnum and Mason RRose & Violet Creams Egg, 227g £37.50
Fortnum and Mason Rose & Violet Creams Egg, Fortnum and Masons £ 37.50

Godiva Beaded Egg, Godiva £ 55

hazelnut box & egg
Lindt Hazelnut Box And Egg, Waitrose, £39.99
Hazelnut Brownie Easter Egg (432g) thorntons
Hazelnut Brownie Easter Egg, Thorntons £ 0
Hazelnut Chocolate Truffle in a Real Eggshell, £3.95 - Prestat (4)
Hazelnut Chocolate Truffle in a Real Eggshell, Prestat £ 3.95
Heston from Waitrose dark chocolate egg with mini eggs 365g ☆☆☆☆☆ Write a review . This action will open a modal dialog. £20.00 (£5.48 per 100g) waitrose
Heston dark chocolate egg with mini eggs, Waitrose £ 20

image003 copy
Red Velvet Truffle Easter Egg, Prestat £ 15
Konnerup Happy Easter 8 Ganache Eggs (96g)12.95 Harrids
Konnerup Happy Easter 8 Ganache Eggs (96g), Harrods £ 12.95

LA MOLINA La molina egg in the glass dark 220g £24.99 selfridges
La Molina dark chocolate egg in the glass 220g,Selfridges £ 24.99

LA MOLINA White chocolate egg with caramelised cocoa 140g £24.99 selfridges
LA MOLINA White chocolate egg with caramelised cocoa 140g,Selfridges £ 24.99

Lemon Large Wrapped Egg & Mini Filled Eggs £12.50 butlers
Lemon Large Wrapped Egg & Mini Filled Eggs, Butlers £ 12.50

Linden Lady large boxed chocolate egg 200g ☆☆☆☆☆ Write a review . This action will open a modal dialog. £10.00 waitrose
Linden Lady large boxed chocolate egg 200g, Waitrose £ 10.00

Lir dark chocolate Easter egg 300g ☆☆☆☆☆ Write a review . This action will open a modal dialog. £12.00 waitrose
Lir dark chocolate Easter egg 300g, Waitrose t £ 12.00
London Gin Truffle Easter Egg (170g), £15 -Prestat
London Gin Truffle Easter Egg, Prestat £ 15

Limited Edition Giant Golden Lattice Egg (1kg), Marks And Spencer £ 40
MICHEL CLUIZEL Egg With Chick 130g (1972259) Availability- In stock £13.95 - See more at- http-__www.harveynichols.com_1972259-egg-with-chick-130g harvey nichols
Michel Cluizel Egg With Chick 130g, Harvey nichols £ 13.95

Nougatine Egg godiva
Godiva Nougatine Egg, Godiva £ 55

pierre marcolini £62
Exclusive Hen Doll, Pierre Marcolini £62

pierre marcolini £98
Exclusive Rabbit Doll, Pierre Marcolini £ 98

pierre marcolini russian baby doll
Exclusive Baby Doll, Pierre Marcolini Large Doll £ 45, Medium Doll £35 and Little Dolls £ 13.90

PRESTAT Sea salt caramel truffle dark chocolate easter egg 170g 14.99 selfridges
Sea salt caramel truffle dark chocolate easter egg 170g, Prestat £ 14.99

Roberto Cavalli Zebra White Chocolate Easter Egg 29.95 harrods
Roberto Cavalli Zebra White Chocolate Easter Egg, Harrods £ 29.95

Rocky Road Caramel Extra Thick Easter Egg 27.00 hotel choc
Rocky Road Caramel Extra Thick Easter Egg, Hotel Chocolat £ 27.00

ROCOCO Limited edition handpainted chocolate easter egg 220g £39.99 selfridges
ROCOCO Limited Edition handpainted chocolate easter egg 220g, Selfridges £ 39.99

ROCOCO Pink milk chocolate easter egg 220g £19.99 selfirdhes
ROCOCO Pink milk chocolate easter egg 220g, Selfridges ££ 19.99

ROCOCO Praline chocolate quails eggs 145g £8.99 selfridges
ROCOCO Praline chocolate quails eggs 145g, Selfridges £ 8.99

THE CHOCOLATE SOCIETY Ombre purple dark chocolate egg 190g £24.99 selfridges
THE CHOCOLATE SOCIETY Ombre purple dark chocolate egg 190g, Selfridges £ 24.99

The Easter Collection hotel choc 35.00
The Easter Collection, Hotel Chocolat £ 35.00

The Supermilk Facet Easter Egg 18.00 hotel choc
The Supermilk Facet Easter Egg, Waitroset £ 18.00

Waitrose Sicilian lemon chocolate egg 185g ☆☆☆☆☆ Write a review . This action will open a modal dialog. £7.00 waitrose
Waitrose Sicilian lemon chocolate egg, Waitrose £ 7

Personalise your own Marvellously Magnificent Easter Egg, Thorntons £ 25.00