The 9to5 Foodie’s Guide to Health and Wellness: The Mediterranean Diet


by Lucie Lemay |
Published on

Back when fat was the enemy and low fat ruled the shelves, the thought of a diet based around oils, dairy and meat would have sounded absurd. However despite the media telling you to never accept that salad dressing, there was a culture who were eating a diet full of fats and somehow were not only perfectly healthy, but they were also living considerably longer then everyone else. Today, the Mediterranean Diet is considered one of the healthiest in the world.

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

This diet is less a rigid regime and more a way of life. Based around the eating habits of the Mediterranean region, this diet is focused around an abundance of whole foods; such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, fish and natural oils with benefits of this diet leading to better skin, a reduced risk of heart disease as well as living longer!

This diet has a particular focus on extra virgin olive oil and seasonal fruit and vegetables, so think big salads and bowls of olive oil roasted vegetables. Unlike a lot of diets, cheese isn’t on the ‘naughty’ list, instead dairy is encouraged, in particular goat’s milk products - so you don’t even have to pass on that post-dinner cheese board.

However, it’s not just all about the food. A lot of the Mediterranean’s good health is believed to be down to their culture. They focus a lot of attention on maintaining close relationships with their family and friends, as well as simple enjoyments and physical activity. All of these elements are believed to be as fundamental to your health as the food you eat, that’s why enjoying a glass of red wine with your BFF is actually encouraged on this diet!

Try the Mediterranean Diet if…

If you work well with a more flexible approach to your diet and lifestyle.

This isn’t going to be a ‘lost 10 pounds in 10 days’ kind of diet, but it will be an amazing long-term foundation for which to base not only the food you eat, but also the way you choose to live your life.

The Mediterranean Diet Recipe Ideas and Ingredients…

This diet has a much more ‘flexible’ approach to what you can and can’t eat, it encourages a huge range of whole, natural ingredients such as:

  • Seasonal Vegetables and Fruits

  • Wholegrains

  • Fish

  • Eggs

  • Small amount of organic meat

  • Dairy, in particular Goat’s milk products

  • Nuts

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

You are also encouraged to have one or two small glasses of wine a day with your meals, this is all part of the rounded nature of this diet, so it’s not just about the food you are eating, but also the atmosphere you eat it in!

The Mediterranean Diet Meals To Avoid…

As this is much more a lifestyle to work towards, there isn’t a strict list of foods that you aren’t able to eat, however as you are encouraged to eat like the Mediterranean locals do, that means no processed or refined foods. You wouldn’t see the locals heating up a ready meal or devouring a cream covered éclair, so instead focus on natural foods in their whole forms such as fresh fruit and salads dressed in olive oil.

Who to follow

Learn from a local how to make quick and nutritious Mediterranean meals by following @themediterraneandish.

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