As the final push to New Year hits us, I for one know that trying to shift the pounds and keep them off is very far down on my list of priorities; in fact I don’t think that’s even on the list (what? Organising a NYE party is time-consuming ya’ll!) So what to do when I can’t make it to my new favourite workout but still want to fit in to my LBD? Well, I turn to Jess of course!
Jess Schuring is a trainer to the stars. She has an impressive client list that includes Elle Macpherson and Kate Hudson to name a few. She founded Heartcore; a chain of London-based fitness studios that promise results-driven workouts.
Heartcore offers Dynamic Reformer Pilates, Kettlebells, TRX and Barre Classes to give you a full body, high-energy workout, and with seven locations throughout London, there’s no excuse not to go!
But if, like me you don’t have time to visit one of the studios then fear not, Jess has helpfully put together an amazing workout exclusively for Grazia, to help us all over the festive season…
Gorgeous Arms Part I -- Bicep/Shoulder/Waistline

*(need 1 set of light db’s or use 2 1 liter water bottles) *
Stand up straight with your feet hip width apart. Slightly bend your knees and drop your tailbone till you find the connection in your abs. Keep this position throughout the exercise. Grab your dumbbells and bring both arms overhead with your palms facing each other. On your exhale (hold those abs tight) drive your arms sideways down with your elbows towards your rib cage and your hands slightly lower than your elbows. Try to bring your hands backwards so you feel a stretch in your shoulders and get deeper into your bicep. On your inhale lift your arms back up. Repeat 15 slow Then hold your arms at the lowest position and extend in small micro movements out to sides. 20 micro reps
Gorgeous Arms Part II -- Shoulders with Tricep/Posture

*(need 1 set of light db’s or use 2 1 liter water bottles) *
Stand up straight with your feet hip width apart. Slightly bend your knees and drop your tailbone till you find the connection in your abs. Keep this position throughout the exercise. With your dumbbells in both hands, lift your arms sideways out to shoulder level with elbows fully extended. Turn the palms of your hands backwards so that your thumbs face down. Keep your shoulders down and rolled back. And chin up : ) On your exhale, lift your arms about 3 inches up and lower them back down to shoulder level on your inhale. From here as you exhale, press your straight arms backwards and bring them back to starting position on your inhale. Keep the movements small and controlled. Repeat this little sequence 20x without resetting if you can.
Sexy Abs

Lay on your back with your legs fully extended. Lift your legs up to 45 degree (higher for more support or lower if you want more of a challenge – your lower back needs to stay connected to the ground for support throughout) Flex your feet and turn your heels in/point your toes out – pressing your inner thighs together. From here slowly open your legs as wide as you can and on your exhale cross your legs. Repeat with alternate leg on top. Do 10 slow then hold your legs close together and criss-cross in micro movements squeezing your inner thighs together each time you cross. 20x Keep your legs fully straightened through the move. Keep both shoulders on the floor and try to keep your neck relaxed. [For more lower back support, place your hands underneath your bottom]
Butt and Waistline Chisler

Come into table top position with you hands below shoulders and your knees in line with your hips. Draw your shoulders down and back and keep your chin off your chest. Draw your belly bottom inwards. Lift you leg out to side (keeping the 90 degree bend) Lift your knee as high as you can until you feel your glutes. From here draw tiny circles into the air leading through your knee. 20x each direction. Then change to other side. You want to feel this in your obliques on the working side and glutes.
Sumo Squat Jumps Interval

Stand tall with your feet turned out more than hip width apart. From here squat down keeping your knees pressed outwards and your upper body as upright as you can. On your next exhale press through your heels and glutes, jumping up and bring your feet together and jump straight back out into your wide legged sumo squat. Reset and start again. Make this your little cardio blast tabata style. 20 seconds on / 20 seconds off. Repeat 8x Be ready to get your heart rate up and burn off some of the champagne and treats.
Happy Holiday Season! Love Jess xo