This week we caught up with personal trainer extraordinaire and founder of Workshop Gymnasium, Lee Mullins to find out how to actually go about getting a flat tummy fast.
1) Please introduce yourself...
My name is Lee Mullins and I am the founder of WORKSHOP, a personal training gymnasium located at the Bulgari Hotel in Knightsbridge. I'm also a fitness writer, coffee lover and daddy to my dachsund, Teddy.
2) Why is it hard for even very fit and healthy girls to achieve a flat tummy?
A lot of people are active and eat healthy foods most of the time, but if you're digestive system isn't healthy (which is unfortunately very common now), it will always be a challenge to achieve a flat tummy, as most digestive issues tend to show in the tummy area, whether it's stubborn fat or by being bloated.

3) What foods are key to having a fit body and flat tummy?
Foods that are rich in probiotics will help to improve your digestive system, and the better your digestive system, the easier it is for your body to have a happy, flat tummy. Organic, raw foods such as sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, kimchi and kefir are all naturally high in probiotics.
4) Which food and drink should be avoided?
Eliminate all processed foods and drinks. Stick to whole, natural, fresh seasonal foods as much as possible and stick to drinks that are natural such as water, herbal teas, organic coffee and organic cold pressed vegetable juices. As a general rule, if you can't pronounce an ingredient contained in the food you are consuming, you probably shouldn't be eating or drinking it.

5) Are there any supplements that can help?
Yes, a good quality probiotic and fish oil will help boost the good bacteria in your tummy and also lower inflammation in the body.
6) Can stress and lack of sleep can cause weight gain to the stomach?
Yes, high levels of stress and poor sleep quality can lead to elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. If our cortisol levels are constantly high, it will make it very hard for the body to relax and recover. When the body is in this high-stress state, it has been shown to lead to increased fat stores around the tummy area.

7) In terms of working out how is it best to approach a flat tummy regime?
A balance and variety of Yin (calming) and Yang (energizing) exercises is the best. Short, high intensity interval training and resistance/bodyweight exercises will help raise your body's metabolism as well as release hormones which help to burn tummy fat. Calming workouts such as yoga, walks in the park and meditation will help to lower stress, which will in turn help shift stubborn tummy fat.
8) What are the three need-to-know exercises when it comes to a flat tum?
Crocodile breathing: Lie on your tummy with your forehead resting on the back of your hands. Take a deep breath in through your nose until you feel your stomach push against the floor and your obliques push out to the side. Your lower back will also rise away from the ground. Breathe out as normal and then repeat this for 1-2 minutes. Crocodile breathing will help to calm the body and lower stress.
Bear Crawls: These strengthen and increase endurance in your arms, shoulders and chest and also improve your core function. Start on all fours with your hands under shoulders, knees under hips and knees lifted off the floor. Keep the hips slightly higher than the shoulders, chin tucked in and head in a neutral position. As you reach with the right arm, reach with the left foot so opposite arm and leg works together. Breathe out each time your foot and hand lands on the floor. Keep the hips even as much as possible throughout the movement. Begin with very small steps until you develop the correct movement and coordination.
McGill Sit Up: Lie on your back with your right leg straight and flat on the floor. Your left knee should be bent to 90° with your left foot flat. This helps to maintain the natural “arch” in your lower back. Place your hands under your lower back with your palms down, stacked on top of one another - this helps to keep your spine in neutral. Slowly raise the head so it is a few cm off the floor. For anyone experiencing neck discomfort, place the tongue on the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth, this will help to recruit the muscles that stabilize the neck. Brace the abdominals. This involves tightening the abdominal muscles as if someone is about to punch you in the stomach. Curl up against the brace. Breathe deeply in the “up” position while maintaining the brace. Remain in the up position for 5 seconds whilst continuing to breathe deeply. Make sure to raise ONLY your head and upper shoulders off the floor. Perform 5 repetitions then switch legs so that your left leg is straight and your right leg is bent.

9) What kinds of sports and exercise are best for building core strength?
I’d recommend gymnastics, boxing and yoga
10) Anything we've missed out?!
If these tips don't help, look into getting a food intolerance test done. This will help to remove any guesswork in terms of which foods work for your body and which foods don't. A food intolerance is a stress on the body which can lead to bloating and stubborn tummy fat. Intolerances can develop even from healthy foods, which is why it's important to eat a variety of whole, fresh, local, seasonal foods most of the time.