In the grand scheme of things, the common cold really isn't that bad at all. That being said, there's nothing more grim on a cold, grey day to be sneezing and coughing rather than enjoying the toasty, cosy winter we all dream of.
Having a cold might not warrant a trip to your GP, but it can throw you off your game. Spread by day-to-day contact with other infected people (hand shakes, cheek kisses, etc), there might not be a cure for the cold, but there are plenty of things you can do to try and stave one off.
Firstly, before you dive head-first into the oranges, zinc has been proven to be pretty good at fending off a cold, and in some cases, better than Vitamin C. Even the NHS agrees - in some clinicial trials, taking zinc has shorted the length of a cold.
On top of that, keeping your hands scrupulously clean to ward off germs, plus upping your intake of Vitamin C-rich fruit and veg, and clocking up lots of sleep can help your body stay fighting fit.
We can't promise anything in the way of a picture-perfect winter scene, but we can point you in the direction of some products and tips to help boost your immune system and tell that cold who's boss.
There are some other home remedies that work a treat, too. Try some of the below...
Sinus Clearing Deep Breathing
Simply place around 150g of epsom salts in hot water, with a few drops of your favourite essential oils. Eucalyptus and peppermint work really well, as does lavender. You can either do this using a quarter of the measurements and simply hold your face over the hot bowl and inhale, or use the full amounts and put into a warm bath. Breathe deep and feel those sinuses open up!
Salt Water Rinse
No, it's not glamorous, but it does work. Make a habit of gargling around a teaspoon of salt dissolved in water every morning to banish a sore throat. The antiseptic salt will help remove infection from your throat - you can do this up to two or three times a day.

Hot Ginger Tea
This is delicious as well as restorative. A compound found in ginger called gingerol is great for healing - it helps relieve congestion in a couple of ways. First, it reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes that line your nasal passages and your sinus cavity. When the swelling goes down, you don't feel so blocked up. Then there's the fiery nature of the tea, which helps loosen up phlegm (sorry).
Plus, extra fluids never hurt when you're sick and breathing in steam vapour from the tea can help relieve congestion. Simply add some sliced ginger to hot water and sip away - add a squeeze of honey if your throat could use some extra TLC.
DIY The Vicks
Whip up a home version of Vicks Vapo Rub by blending coconut oil with a few drops of peppermint essential oil. Add the oil to a few tablespoons of melted oil and allow to cool, then rub liberally onto your chest. Aaah...
Click through the gallery to see what supplements to take, drinks to sip and habits to get into to have an (almost) sniffle-free winter...
10 Hot Ways To Fight A Cold

10 Ways To Fight A Cold >>

Green & Spring Antibacterial Hand Gek, £7.50, Green & Spring
Keep germs at bay with this nourishing hand gel that doesn't dry the skin out.

Wild Medicine Facial Steamers, £4.00, Victoria Health
These herbal sachets can be dropped in hot water to steam your face and decongest pores. They also have uplifting essential oils.

Bloom Supercharge Matcha Green Tea, £19.80, Bloom Tea
Supercharge by name...This powder makes a potent green tea which delivers Potassium, Vitamins A & C, Iron, Protein and Calcium. The catechins found in matcha have antibiotic properties which help keep you fighting fit.

Kniepp Cold & Sinus Relief Bath Salts, £8.95, Grafton's Beauty
These soothing-smelling salts make for one heck of a cold-busting bath. Eucalyptus essential oils help to decongest your nose, and it's soothing and nourishing on the skin, too.

Kusmi Green Tea With Jasmine, £12.50, John Lewis
Kusmi's a fave of Kendall Jenner, and this yummy green tea provides you with essential cold-busting antioxidants.

This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray Plus, £25, This Works
Your immune system is strongest when you're well rested. This spray has encapuslated lavender which bursts as you sleep, meaning as you toss and turn it's more continuously released, helping you sleep longer and better.

Pukka Three Ginger Tea, £2.39, Ocado
Ginger is great to soothe a sore throat, and what's more comforting than a hot drink on a winter's day?

Imbibery Shots, £4 each, Imbibery
These cold-pressed mini powerhouses are goodness squished, basically. The Tumeric Kick has turmeric (obviously), apple cider vinegar and ginger which act as immune-boosting anti-inflammatories.

Emegen-C Energy and Immunity Support, £4.99 for 8, Holland & Barrett
With zinc, folic acid, Vitamin C and B vitamins, these sachets give energy as well as banishing a cold. Perfect for your 4pm slump.

Holland & Barrett Maximum Strength Zinc, £8.29, Holland and Barrett
Pop one of these if you're serious about staying flu-free. Zinc doesn't get talked about as much as Vitamin C, but even the NHS now say it can shorten the length of a cold.