The Book To Read
If you’re still reeling from A Little Life (if that didn’t floor you, then OMG what is wrong with you), get ready to jump into another giant huge book that’ll last you through to December.
Garth Risk Hallberg’s City On Fire is the book of the moment and for good reason too. Following a cast of characters around 1977 New York all linked by a New Year’s Eve shooting, it’ll take you a while to get through it (I’ve been going solidly for a week and I’m still not even a quarter of the way through yet) but it’ll have you hooked from page one.

The Film To Watch
It’s a toss up between Saoirse Ronan’s new film Brooklyn and the long-awaited Malala documentary He Named Me Malala. On the one hand, the cinematic adaption of Colm Toibin’s Booker-nominated novel makes for a lovely watch about a girl who immigrates to the US from jobless Ireland in the 1950s to forge a life for herself, but on the other, the Malala doc is nothing short of stupidly inspiring. Go wild and do a double bill.

The Gigs To Go To
Count your lucky stars Northern Debriefers, there’s still tickets for the very excellent Ibeyi in Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night for a nifty £12.50. In case you haven’t got round to adding the sisters to your Spotify (sorry, we meant Apple Music; they’re all over their billboards ATM), they’re soulful, earthy and damn worth a listen.

The Telly To Settle In For
It’s only the last bloody episode of Downton Abbey – EVER. TBH, we haven’t got a monkeys what’s been going on since Sybil kicked the bucket, but if you’re a Downton girl then no doubt Sunday night will be an emotional evening for you. Here’s hoping the Countess Dowager gets drunk on sherry and streaks through the Yorkshire moors.

The Dress To Buy
This is what we call ‘a good investment’. Velvet is back in a big way this winter and, what with Christmas coming up, you’re going to need a new velvet dress to wear to all those parties you’re going to start getting invites to any day now. This Urban Outfitters dress (£66) is just the ticket. Get it right now, mate.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.