Some Things You Can Buy At Your Local Market

Some Things You Can Buy At Your Local Market
Don't turn your nose up at your local market; it's an untapped goldmine of homeware stuff that you normally couldn’t afford. Here’s what we bought. FYI We went to Brixton Market but you can totally get all and probably more of this stuff at the one nearest your house.

These suspiciously cheap oven trays
Erm have you seen how much these fancy blue and white trays go for in posh shops? River Cottage here we come.£5.99

The original version of those laundry bags
Remember when Celine did those tartan bags that totally ripped these off? Kind of like the time Jil Sander did that £200 paper bag. Mental. Anyways, these are clearly a trend starter and obviously really useful too.50p

These hair clips
Never not useful. This job lot costs half the price than you’d normally get them for at Superdrug.£1

This hanging knickers thing
The insane usefulness of this product that only our Nan has is only just dawning on us now. Stop wasting valuable space on the clothes horse with all your pants and socks and peg them up on this guy instead which you can hang from just about anywhere.£1

This all-weather pan
Erm, while not glamorous this pan is most definitely way better quality than any other budget ones you’ll buy.£2.99

This cooler
Is there any First World Problem harder to come to terms with than spending a day in the park with overheated cider and/or Pimms? This cooler combats that problem most marvellously.£3.99

This bowl
Tie-dyed and big enough to hold a bucket-load of punch? Yes please.£2.99
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.